5 Tips To Detect Scabies

5 tips for detecting scabies

Today we talk about one of the disease it is cutaneous s most common in dogs, which if not treated in time can bring serious complications and even cause death. That is why it is important that you know how to detect scabies in your furry.

Information about scabies and dogs

Mange is caused by an infection of microscopic spider-like mites that lodge in the dog’s skin, causing inflammation, pain and intense itching.

Although it begins as a localized disease in certain parts of the furry’s body, it can quickly spread throughout the skin. The females of these parasites are very prolific and lay between 20 and 40 eggs that hatch within 5 days. Two weeks later, the new hatchlings are ready to reproduce.

In addition, there are different types of mite that, logically, cause different kinds of scabies. Among them, sarcoptic and demodectic are those that mainly affect adult dogs.

How to detect scabies in your furry

dog scratching

Mites go unnoticed thanks to their tiny size. So how can you detect scabies on your furry? Well, observing different signs that indicate the presence of these parasites even if you cannot visualize them. For example, pay attention to whether your dog:

  • 1- S and different areas of the body scratches persistently. The itching caused by these annoying guests is very intense.
  • 2- He has wounds on his skin caused by his own nails due to constant scratching.
  • 3- It has red spots (they are typical of demodectic scabies).
  • 4- It rubs against the walls or the floor, seeking to mitigate the great itching that it feels.
  • 5- Presents hairless areas.

These 5 points are enough to turn on your alarm signals and for you to take your pet to the vet and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, for your dog to urgently start treatment against mange.

Avoid complications, treat your pet in time

It is important to detect scabies early to prevent it from spreading to the entire skin of the animal and complications may arise from infections caused by bacteria or fungi.

In addition, if the mange is very advanced, your dog may also present these signs :

  • Rancid odor
  • Dry, crusty and thick skin.
  • Important weight loss.

Keep in mind that since the itching it suffers is so strong, the animal may stop eating, and even drinking, and will only deal with scratching, putting its life at serious risk.

How is the treatment against scabies in dogs

The veterinarian will determine the treatment to follow according to the advanced stage of the disease and the characteristics of the animal. In general, injectable or oral products are combined with others for external application (shampoos, powders or lotions).

In addition, it will surely be necessary to give the dog analgesics and anti-inflammatories and, in case of an infection by bacteria and fungi, a specific medicine also for this issue.

It is extremely important that you do not abandon the treatment until the professional indicates it, no matter how much you see that your dog has improved considerably, since if some mites survive they will multiply again in a few days.

Preventive measures so that your furry does not contract scabies

canine vaccines

As in all cases, prevention is always better than cure. So that your furry does not get scabies, keep in mind :

  • Deworm him and vaccinate him according to the vet’s instructions.
  • Give him a balanced and quality diet.
  • Bathe and brush him regularly.
  • Provide a clean and ventilated space.
  • Avoid contact with animals infected with scabies.

A strong, healthy and well-fed animal will not be an easy victim of these mites. So take good care of your furry and you will surely keep him away from this annoying disease.

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