10 Latin American Dog Breeds

10 Latin American dog breeds

The races of Latin American dog may be originating from the continent or have their start in the dogs introduced from the fifteenth century through the European conquerors. In alphabetical order of the countries of which they are native, we tell you details of some of them.

Learn about the main characteristics of 10 Latin American dog breeds

Argentine Dogo

It arose in 1928 in the Argentine province of Córdoba, when a cross between different pure breeds was carried out with an animal known as the Old Cordovan fighting dog (the result of a mix between Mastiff , Bulldog , Boxer  and Bull Terrier ).

Argentine dogos are characterized by:

  • Protect your family group
  • Alert in the presence of intruders
  • Be great hunters

Their reputation for being violent may come from their powerful looks, but if they are properly educated they are calm and not barking.

Brazilian Row

Descendant of the dogs that the Spanish and Portuguese brought to Brazil at the time of the conquest, it comes from the Mastiff , the Bulldog and the Bloodhound .

These dogs have an exceptional sense of smell and for this reason they were used to locate slaves who tried to escape from the places where they were exploited.

Among the peculiarities of the Brazilian Row , the following stand out:

  • Docility
  • Mistrust with strangers
  • Security, determination and courage
  • Hunter and Guardian Feats


It is assumed that the ancestors of the  Havanese  originated in the western Mediterranean region and that, at the beginning of the 18th century, officers of the Spanish army introduced them to Cuba. 

With the cross with Poodles and German Poodles , the Havanese emerged as it is known today, with its predominant tan color to which it owes its name.

These little ones have long, soft fur and make excellent companion animals : playful, cheerful, and affectionate.

Chilean Fox Terrier

Its origin dates back to the 19th century, as a result of the crossing of native dogs and the English Fox Terrier .

They are small white, short-haired dogs   with some brown or black spots.

They are used as companion animals and as hunting dogs, since they are easily trained and are very obedient.

Chihuahueño or Chihuahua


The name comes from the largest state in Mexico. In that area they lived in the wild until they were domesticated by the original peoples. They are the smallest dogs in the world.

These animals are:

  • Specials like companion dogs
  • Jealous of the human relationships of their owners
  • Brave and restless


Among the Latin American dog breeds , this is one of the oldest, apparently originating three thousand years ago in Mexico.

The Xoloitzcuintle were sacred to the Aztecs, who considered them responsible for accompanying the souls of the dead on their journey to the underworld.

Easy to train and good-natured, they are animals that have almost no hair, although there is a hairier variant.

Peruvian hairless dog

hairless dog peru

The way in which these dogs were introduced into the continent is uncertain, although it seems to be gaining strength that they arrived together with the migrants who crossed the Bering Strait.

Today, the Peruvian Hairless Dog breed is characterized by a noble and affectionate personality.

They are animals that are usually always alert and distrustful of strangers.

Great Borinquen Mastiff

Also known as the Puerto Rican Mastiff , this breed appears to be descended from the Spanish war mastiffs.

They are large and very corpulent animals , which were used to capture and injure escaped slaves.

Despite their loyalty and protective instincts, they can become aggressive if they are not educated correctly.

Uruguayan Cimarrón

The ancestors of this breed were introduced by Spanish and Portuguese conquerors. As these animals were abandoned, only  the strongest and most cunning survived, which, with subsequent crosses, gave rise to the   Uruguayan Cimarrón .

They can be described as:

  • Of great courage
  • Sagacious
  • Balanced
  • Effective in hunting big game, guarding and working with livestock


Nevado, the dog that accompanied General Simón Bolívar in many of his battles, was a faithful exponent of this breed that originated in Venezuela in the 16th century.

The result of the crossing of different races introduced by the Spanish conquerors, it makes an impression due to its large size, but the expression of its eyes generates great tenderness.

It is a very active, intelligent and affectionate dog, although it can react violently to strangers.

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