Polar Bears And Global Warming

Polar bears and global warming 

The fact that with our actions we cause harm to animals is something we already know, but it does not seem to matter to us too much. In fact, global warming is going from bad to worse wreaking havoc on the homes of many species, which if the situation is not remedied, will cease to exist.

Let’s see how all this is affecting one of the funniest and most loved animals by all: polar bears.

Polar bears and their habitat destruction

Polar Bear

Polar bears only live in the Arctic as they are created to live and walk on ice. Climate change or global warming is causing the Arctic ice to melt and is reaching the extreme of disappearing.

By doing so, it is no longer such a cold place that species such as seals live, the main food of bears. Due to global warming, seals are forced to constantly move in search of something to eat and this makes it increasingly difficult for polar bears to find theirs. As they say: the fish that bites its tail.

This fact has led to the disappearance of many specimens of polar bears due to several reasons:

  • One is that lack of food has killed many.
  • The heat is destroying others.
  • Finally, some more adventurous who have dared to go to find their food in a place where they are comfortable, have gotten too close to humans, who have hunted them for mere pleasure or to satisfy their most epicurean desires.

Melted ice

Polar bears use ice as a bridge from land to water. They go from the ground to the ice, jump off it to hunt and use it again as a platform to climb to the ground. The problem is that the ice melts so fast that it forces you to return to land and stay there, settling for whatever food is available, if there is any. So sad!

The ice also makes, or made, the Arctic one of the coldest places on earth, which is a favorable climate for polar bears. Many times, we have wondered why they live there when it is cold. Well, your body has the ability to reach 50 degrees Fahrenheit. So if you’re ever going to the Arctic on vacation and you’re cold, get up close to a polar bear.

The state of polar bears

It is clear that all of this has had a strong effect on bears. Many are malnourished and others die. There are fewer and fewer specimens of this species and experts say that if we follow this rate, polar bears will completely disappear from the earth in less than 100 years.

This is yet another consequence of man’s bad rule and his ambition. Also from selfishness. We all know that if we do not use perfumes or hair sprays and replace plastic bags with cloth ones, we can help not only to improve climate change but to perpetuate many species.

Polar Bear

Why don’t we do it then? Because we have become comfortable allowing ourselves to be enveloped in an era where consumerism and appearances are above everything else, even the lives of many animals.

100 years ago there were hundreds of species of animals that our children will never know because our greed and selfishness have destroyed them. 

If we continue to feed our bad attitudes, it is very likely that our children’s children live in a world without animals, or worse, they cannot live because life can no longer exist on earth.

The earth was created to self-regenerate and supply itself, but human beings are so rapidly depleting their resources to quench their thirst for money and ambition that we are reaching more dangerous extremes than our minds are prepared to face.

From My Animals we ask you to do everything in your power to improve this situation.

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