Pain In Animals: Concepts We Must Know

Pain in animals: concepts we must know

Although it seems obvious to mention it, animals suffer from pain just like people. But since they cannot communicate it in a direct way, it is sometimes difficult to detect.

Perhaps for this reason, it was not until the end of the last century that people began to become aware of their suffering. Until then, experiments and other cruelties were justified, based on the theory that they felt no pain.

They only had uncontrolled muscle reflexes and nervous responses. It is clear that these people never had a cat that accidentally stepped on its tail. ..

Sometimes ignorance and insensitivity hide behind scientific dogmas that give as absolute truths and unquestionable questions that should never be closed.

Fortunately, things are changing and today animals are considered to have a pain threshold similar to ours.

How pain manifests itself in animals

sick cat

Since your pet cannot put human words to his pain, you should pay attention to his body language and changes in his behavior.

The most basic reaction, especially if the pain is acute, is usually aggression. An animal in this situation feels threatened by everything and therefore reacts violently.

Actually, you know your pet better than anyone to realize that something is wrong. The point is that not all species manifest themselves in the same way. For instance:

  • Some dogs howl and whine.
  • Cats have a tendency to hide indoors or they will stop grooming.
  • Enrodents and rabbits pay attention to decreased appetite or lack of mobility.
  • Other signs in cats and dogs can be:
  • Change of posture (arched back, tail down, etc.)
  • Glassy look
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Difficulty sitting up
  • Facial expressions
  • Decreased activity
  • Less water and food consumption
  • Tremors
  • Gasps
  • Renguera

Keep in mind that, in nature, many animals try not to show themselves vulnerable to avoid being easy prey, or not to lose authority within their herd.

Treatment of pain in pets and other animals

sick dog

Today, most veterinarians follow the principle of analogy, which can be summed up in that, if something is painful for us, it is also for animals. In addition, more and more analgesics and specific drugs are created, which can be used for specific pain or for palliative care.

In any case, the treatment of pain in these beings becomes essential to avoid harmful effects on their bodies, among which are:

  • Predisposition to infections
  • Post-surgical complications.
  • Delay in wound healing.
  • Loss of body weight.

The advances and changes in the matter have been remarkable if we consider that, until some time ago, veterinary schools taught not to provide analgesics after operations, since in this way the animal remained still and thus avoided many complications .

And it was even thought that, in the first months of life, the young did not feel pain due to the poor development of the nervous system.

It took a long time for it to be demonstrated that the neurological recognition of pain and the routes of spread are the same in humans and animals, and that they are mature from birth.

But although veterinary medicine has made great advances in the treatment of canines and felines, the pharmacological options for exotic animals such as chameleons, iguanas or snakes are still almost nil.

For your part, always pay close attention to your pet and, at the slightest indication that something is wrong, take her to the vet and explain in detail all the signs you detected.

This will make the professional’s task easier, since, in the office setting, it is sometimes difficult to determine the extent of pain because animals are intimidated by the strange environment.

And remember that you should not give your pet painkillers for human use without the proper medical prescription, since, wanting to relieve their pain, you could cause a greater problem. One way to show her how much you love her is to act responsibly. Your pet will know how to thank you.

Featured image courtesy of LRN =).

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