7 Breeds Of Cat With Abundant Fur

The reason this is long is to protect yourself from low temperatures; as they tend to shed, it is necessary to brush them at least once a week
7 cat breeds with thick fur

The fur of cats is one of its most important visual attractions when choosing the breed to be our pet. There are those with little hair and with a lot of hair, so today we will talk about the long-haired breeds, and thus, get ready to brush your furniture.

Long-haired cats

Cat hair is very particular as it is very fine in most breeds, which causes it to become embedded in clothing most of the time. There are those who believe that witches only had black cats, not only to drive away bad energy, but to avoid cleaning their habits.

But the hair of these felines, before being attractive to humans, has the function of protecting the animal’s skin. It is recurrent that the coat is presented in two layers, where an internal one provides heat, and an external one protects from dirt and external elements.

Remember to brush them at least once a week, since they tend to shed their hair all the time to keep their coat in good condition. Having said that, we present you the cat breeds with the most hair of the moment.

1. Maine coon

It is a large North American breed, some specimens weighing up to 20 kilograms. It has a variety of colors and is very popular in the United States. It is a very friendly and playful species that loves to play outside.

Maine coon

2. Persian

Cats of the aristocracy par excellence, its name derives from the ancient Persian empire, present-day Iran. They are medium-sized cats that can weigh up to 9 kilograms. Their fur is of great length, very dense and of various colors.

Persian cat

The behavior of these cats is very docile, of remarkable intelligence and they spend much of their time lazing around. You can’t expect anything more from a royal cat, and they get along very well with other pets of different species.

3. Angora

It is a very ancient breed that comes from the Ankara region, Turkey. It is a cat with abundant hair of varied colors but that does not present its undercoat. The specimens with white hair and heterochromia are the most desired of this species.

Angora cat lying down

Docile and intelligent in behavior, the Angora cat perfectly tolerates living with up to two humans on the same roof, although it does not get along very well with other pets in the home.

4. Balinese

Coming from the United States, this breed is born from the cross between a Siamese and another with long hair from where they inherited this characteristic. In morphological terms, the breed is very similar to the Siamese, with the colors being the aspect that stands out the most, but differing in the volume and structure of its coat.

Balinese cat

They are very affectionate cats with their owners but distant from the other members of the household. The truth is that they are very intelligent and meek, which allows them to tolerate the affections of others but not excessively.

5. Ragdoll

It is a cat from the United States that is born from the cross between Siamese and other European species. It has a very leafy coat of varied length that is not difficult to maintain, contrary to what its appearance may look like.

Ragdoll kittens

Its main attraction lies in its particular ability to fully relax its muscles, giving the appearance of a  ragdoll or rag doll in English. They are very friendly to all household members and do not really have a survival instinct, almost never reacting to danger.

6. Somali

They are cats originating in England of medium size with abundant fur of various colors on their body. Despite this, the Somali cat does not bear the cold very well, so you should take that into account if you live in an area with low temperatures.

Somali cat

It is a very active cat , being very rare to see it resting at high altitudes in the home. They don’t get along very well being locked up in the apartment, so living in a house is ideal for them and they don’t meow much.

7. Tiffanie

They are cats of medium to large size, with a very silky and abundant coat of fur that is not difficult to maintain. Their physical appearance owes much to their Burmese relatives and chinchillas, presenting the same colors of these two.

Tiffany cat

It is a cat that loves to be in company, which makes it perfect to accompany all kinds of people. This breed is very affectionate with all members of the house and is very playful, but having the only defect of not being comfortable during periods of solitude.

Hairballs, a big problem

The biggest detail with these breeds is that they tend to lick a lot to groom themselves, and in the process, they end up swallowing their own hairs by accident. To combat this annoyance, we advise you to accustom your cat to daily brushing from puppies, and thus, attack this unwanted behavior in them.

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