Dogs, The Favorite Pet In Latin America

Dogs, the favorite pet of Latin America

Among the countries with the largest population of dogs are Argentina, Mexico and Brazil, followed by Russia and the United States. Conversely, people living in Asia are less likely to have pets. However, dogs are the favorites of Latin America.

If we analyze the world population, we will see that more than half (56%) of the world population has at least one pet at home ; Dogs are the most popular company in Latin America, while in Russia and France there is a preference for cats.

Thus, the region with the highest number of pet owners is Latin America with 80%. Still on the list would be Russia, where almost three-quarters of the population (73%) have pets, and the US, with 70%.

The Argentine website Taringa did a study to find out who the respondent preferred, his pet or his best human friend? 67% answered that they prefer their pet before, 37% feel more affection for their pet than for their family, while 35% prefer it before their partner.

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Another consulting company, Opina América Latina, conducted a study in order to learn about the importance that Latino people give to their pets, and the efforts they make for their well-being. Almost 70% choose special food products for their animals. It has been proven that many people buy luxurious items for their domestic companions, such as clothes, technology gadgets, they insure them, etc.

Some breeds of dogs in Latin America

The Colombian Fine Hound Mucuchíes, from Venezuela

This dog is the result of several crosses. It impresses those who see it due to its large size, but at the same time it causes a certain tenderness thanks to the expression of its eyes.

This breed has been very important in the history of Venezuela, after Simón Bolívar, during his time to achieve Venezuelan independence, adopted a dog of this class.

The Ecuadorian Golden Bald Dog

It is a breed of hairless dog native to the Santa Elena Peninsula, in Ecuador. It is currently considered the rarest among the hairless.

Peruvian hairless dog

The body temperature of this dog is between three and four degrees Celsius higher than that of people. The reason is that your lack of hair has to be compensated for by this increase to balance the heat loss through bare skin. It has been officially recognized as a national heritage of Peru.

The brazilian row

Animals admired for their courage, firmness, power and aggressiveness with respect to strangers and without measures in their nobility, defense of the family and affection with it.

It is one of those dogs that defines the personality of its owner, thanks to its choice. On the other hand, studies carried out by specialists have concluded that the people who identify and define themselves as dog friends are outgoing, energetic and lively people.

The Argentine case

Argentina also leads the ranking of dog ownership per family with 66%. In this way, the dog is the favorite pet of Argentines: in 1 of every 3 households where they have a furry, there is at least one other.

dog on the sofa

Among the Argentine cities with the highest number of dogs, Mendoza is the city with the highest density of dogs per household, almost 70%, while the City of Buenos Aires is the city surveyed with the least number of dogs per household (58%).

As for cats, the average country density is 26%, with Rosario being the city with the highest percentage (28%). On average, people have 1 feline per household and half live with dogs in the same house.

The survey data confirms that Argentine pets are as familiar and homely as their owners. 70% of dogs spend most of their time indoors (40%), while in the case of cats, the percentages are slightly higher, reaching 46% of larger felines that live exclusively in the house. home.

Argentines value company in the case of dogs and the love that cats offer. They consider pets a member of their family, and even in 15% of cases as “a child”.

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