9 Curiosities Of The Siamese Cat

Do you want to know the Siamese cat in depth? We show you 9 curiosities about this special feline.
9 curiosities of the Siamese cat

Cats are usually the kind of animal that you either love or you don’t understand. Getting closer to them, knowing their hobbies and customs, can help us understand them a little more, don’t you think? Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you about some curiosities of the Siamese cat.

Curiosities of the Siamese cat

1. Its origin

This cat comes from Siam, what is now known as Thailand; hence its name. However, it seems that many have believed for years that it came from the United Kingdom, although it was not until the 19th century that the first copies were seen there on display at the Palace in London.

2. Their owners

Originally, this cat was adopted and used exclusively as a pet by the Thai royal family. They had several specimens and all of them purebred, in which their intense white color stood out.

3. The protector of spirits

In ancient civilizations, and even today it happens, people are very afraid of what evil spirits can do to the deceased. In the origins of the Siamese cat, it was believed that this was a great defender of spirits, since it could somehow absorb the spirit of the deceased and make it remain alive avoiding the attacks of evil spirits.

In order to keep it alive as long as possible, the cat was taken to a temple where it was offered a life of luxury.

Siamese cat on a pole

4. The two types of conjoined twins

As expected, such an ancient breed has evolved over time, giving rise to what is known as modern Siamese. However, this and Thai have marked differences.

For example, in its size, since the traditional Siamese is smaller, rounded and slender. Its face is more circular, with a shorter muzzle and straight ears, without being too large. There is also a marked difference in their eyes, since the traditional one has them slanted while those of the modern one are practically oblique.

That is why finding a traditional Thai Siamese cat is highly valued among cat lovers, and that is why they are willing to pay high amounts of money for a specimen.

5. They are very active

Despite the reputation of being lazy that cats have earned, the Siamese is a very active feline that will need you to spend part of your time playing with it. He is not a cat that likes to be alone at home, as he will get bored easily, and will most likely do mischief to calm his boredom.

6. His meows

The Siamese cat is an excellent meower, and although we already know that all cats have different meows to communicate, this specimen stands out above all others. It is capable of emitting different sounds that you could hardly know if they are meows or the attempt to say something else.

7. Your temperature

There are certain areas on your body that are darker than others, and curiously these have a lower temperature than those that are lighter. Why? Due to a thermal gene that causes the pigments to remain fixed in the coldest areas. That is why when they are born they are totally white, since they have been in the warmth of their mother’s womb.

Siamese cat on the wood.

8. Strabismus

Decades ago there were many cases of strabismus in Siamese cats,  so it was believed that this would be something intrinsic to the breed. However, with the passage of time this defect has been decreasing and is currently practically eradicated.

9. What if it crosses?

It is curious that when a Siamese cat is crossed , the kittens often have the same genetic defects: short tails and knots in the cartilage. Something that apparently is not serious, but that could bring complications in the future.

What did you think of knowing more about this special feline? Sure, many of these curiosities are unknown to many, but now you are one of the privileged who know them.

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