Tips When Adopting A Cat

Tips when adopting a cat

Cats are animals that we never get to know them, these beautiful felines are a good option to have as a pet at home. They are ideal if you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to them, since they are quite independent and do not need as much attention as dogs. But make no mistake about them, as they can be quite affectionate.

If you have decided to adopt a cat, you have to take into account a series of factors, so that everything goes as well as possible and thus get it to be from your own family. So are you willing to receive advice to adopt a cat?

Find out well before adopting a cat

If you have already made the decision to adopt a cat, find out very well before, take the time you need, since we are talking about a living being that is also going to stay in your home forever. Choose the adoption center or the person who will give it to you and find out about the character of the cat and the environment where it has lived.

Do not choose him because he is more beautiful or you like him more physically, but because of his way of being or his behavior, let yourself be carried away by them since they have good intuition and let him be the one who chooses you.

The age of the cat

If you are going to adopt a cat you have to decide if it is an adult or a puppy, the age will depend a lot on the adaptation period. Believe it or not, adult cats adapt better to their new home than those that are puppies, who just want to play and be everywhere. However, the adult will integrate before.

But age does not influence the adaptation as much as the character of the cat, if it is an adult you will know its character better and you will know if it is related to you. On the other hand, with a puppy you will have to wait until it is an adult to find out.

The needs of cats

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You should know that cats, like any pet, have basic needs that must be taken into account and you have to keep in mind that they are always covered. First you have to have a plate for their food, water and a tray to relieve themselves, which you will have to put away from the food. You will also need a place to sleep, so you have to accommodate one that is pleasant.

His health is very important, so take him to the vet right away to be checked, since he will be the one who treats him regularly. You also have to put the recognition chip.

What if there is another animal in the house

There is no problem if you already have another animal at home, be it a cat or a dog. You have to assess whether the one you have at home will be able to accept another tenant, if so, do not worry that in the end they will adapt. If there are two cats, it is better to adapt a room for both of them, so that they can smell each other and get to know each other. You have to teach the adopted cat the members of the family so that it recognizes them.

In the case of cats and dogs, don’t worry, the adaptation period may take a little longer, but they will end up being accepted. Although there will be some running, barking or snorting. But you should not intervene in this recognition, since it is part of the process. Do not punish them either, since the cat will not understand you and it will be worse.

Children and cats

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If there are children at home, it is better to adopt a cat that likes children or is used to being with them. Children must be made to understand that it is one more member of the family and that it is not a toy. Teach your children to play with the cat, it is a lot of fun for both of you.

It is convenient that the child also takes part in the choice of the cat, since later they can become inseparable. Let the child participate in the education of the pet and have responsibilities, such as being aware that they do not lack food and water, as well as dedicating time to play.

As you can see, there are many things that must be taken into account before adopting a cat, but do not worry because you are going to get it, these felines, although it may not seem like it in the end, are perfect pets for all members of the family.

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