American Curl: Care And Characteristics

With a cheerful demeanor, the American curl stands out for its way of greeting with a slight blow of the head to get the caress back
American curl: care and characteristics

The ear curled back and in the shape of a half moon is its main characteristic; beautiful, docile, agile and very affectionate, it is one of the best pets, especially for children. Next, we will see the  care and characteristics of the American curl cat to get to know this feline better.

Throughout history, the human species has considered cats docile, domesticable and very cunning animals. This is precisely how the American curl or American curl is, a breed that began to be known in 1981 in California, United States.

These kittens were registered by The International Cat Association in 1987. Six years later, his pedigree was fully recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association, CFA.

The American curl is considered a cheerful pet, who likes to climb and play. It is an excellent company for both adults and children; they even tend to get along with other pets, such as dogs. They love to greet with a slight bump of the head looking for a caress back.

The ears of the American curl

This exuberant mammal is distinguished from the other known cat breeds in the world by its curious ears. Slightly bent back, up to about 90 degrees, they are made of fragile cartilaginous tissue. The inclination can be three degrees: less curved, clearly curved and crescent.

At birth, the ears are rigid, 10 days later they begin to curl and at five months the shape is permanent. This kind of curly hair is born from a spontaneous genetic evolution, whose first known exponent was ‘Sulamith’, which means precious black.

American curl: power

This kitten came to Joe and Grace Ruga’s home in Lakegood, California. They were struck by the shape of his ears and decided to adopt it; From her first litter of four, two cubs inherited that curiosity.

A show cat

Breeders and geneticists confirmed that there was a hereditary trait in the ears, so it was a new breed. Thus began the procedures to achieve their recognition.

At present, these cats participate in exhibitions and competitions; docile, affable, affectionate and active, they are home pets. Besides Sulamith, there are several famous American  curls : Ray Smuckles from the webcomic Achewood and Waffle from Catscratch are two of them.

Long and short hair

The distinguishing feature is definitely his ears. The American curl can have short hair, with little or medium fur and a glossy coat. The other variety is that of long hair, with the same characteristics of shine, thickness and softness to the touch.

There are specimens of all colors, even white with blue eyes or different shades of brown, red, lilac and even silver. They are all of an impressive beauty and a great personality, which makes them lively, affectionate and playful. It is a very tender cat, with funny movements.

American curl: care

When it comes to caring for the American curl cat, the first thing to do is keep its ears clean. The removal of all types of dirt and accumulated serosity must be done carefully to avoid damaging its soft cartilage.

American curl: care

Its coat should be brushed once a week  and it is wise to bathe it when deemed convenient. Regular visits to the vet are also part of the care of the American curl.

How to feed them?

American curl cats need to eat a lot of meat; from it they obtain the proteins and fats necessary for their development. It is important to minimize carbohydrate intake due to its slow metabolism. Consuming these nutrients could lead to certain diseases such as obesity or diabetes.

Characteristics of the American curl

The body of the American curl is slender, long and graceful, with round legs. It weighs between two and five kilos, and is between 40 and 50 centimeters tall; it has solid musculature, the head is longer than it is wide, and the nose is heart-shaped. It can live between 13 and 17 years.

With a strong, symmetrical chin, concave muzzle, and straight, visible whiskers, the American curl offers great appeal. Their eyes are round, separated and of different colors that go from yellow to blue. The tail is hairy and almost as long as its body.

This attractive cat, with spectacular and curious ears, is a playful and cute pet, ideal for children and adults. The knowledge of the care that we must take and the characteristics of the American curl will help us to enjoy this very beautiful feline breed even more.

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