Clean The Eyes And Remove Blemishes From Our Pets

Clean the eyes and remove the diseases of our pets

Hygiene and cleanliness of your pet’s fluids is important to ensure that they lead a healthy life.

Of course, this includes those that occur in their eyes, therefore we explain how to clean the eyes and remove blemishes from our pets.

It must be taken into account that animals generate different kinds of legañas, and these can occur for the most varied reasons. Therefore, it is wise to ask yourself the reasons why your pet is generating them, in order to avoid future complications.

Types of legañas


The normal legañas are those white and hard that are outside the eye. These legañas can be cleaned by simply passing a dry gauze over the animal’s face.

Inside the eye

If the legaña has not yet descended towards the lower eyelid and is at the edge of the eye or on the inner corner, you must clean it with extreme care so as not to hurt the animal.

If the legaña is hard, it is best to moisten the gauze a little with warm water, and loosen it with slight downward pressure.

Greenish with irritated eyes

When there are legañas with a more consistent texture than normal, green and the animal has irritation in the eyes, it can be a sign that the dog is suffering from an infection or conjunctivitis.

The treatment for conjunctivitis is easy and should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Any type of eye irritation requires monitoring, especially if the dog shows signs of discomfort, such as frequent scratching or being down.

Although in most cases it is due to minor injuries, dirt in the eye or conjunctivitis, it can also be a sign of major illnesses such as infections or glaucoma.

Cleaning frequency

As in humans, animals present blemishes as a defense mechanism to moisten and remove foreign objects that have fallen into the eye.

Therefore,  timely cleaning will prevent infections or future problems, so the recommendation is to clean the legañas every day in the morning.

In addition, you must bear in mind that, according to the special characteristics of the dog, the rigorous cleaning must be the same .

Animals with folds

boxer lying

Pets with folds in the muzzle demand more attention when taking care of eye health. This is because tears and eyebrows tend to get inside the folds.

There they generate humidity in the area and produce an environment very conducive to the proliferation of bacteria.  This situation is exacerbated in pets with flat faces.

Therefore, if your pet has these characteristics, you should pay close attention to keep this area free of moisture, cleaning each of the folds of its snout with a dry gauze.

Animals with bulging eyes

A similar situation occurs with googly-eyed animals. While your eyelashes are a good defense, the shape of your eyes will make it much easier for things like hair or dust to get into your eyes, maximizing the production of blemishes.

It is best to clean his face several times a day with a pet towel.  In this way you will prevent those things that have been tangled in their fur from going to their eyes.

Additional Recommendations

eyes of your cat 3

  • Clean your pet’s eyes always in the same place. Also, make sure that he is always relaxed and, preferably, away from other pets or people.
  • Make him feel confident by stroking him before, during and after the process.  His eyes are delicate, so he won’t let you touch them unless he trusts you won’t hurt him.
  • When you clean his eyes, watch the eyeball.  You can determine if it is dirty, opaque, or shows redness.
  • Use specialized pet drops only when prescribed by your vet.
  • Always use gauze or a specialized washcloth to avoid leaving lint in the eyes of the animal.
  • If needed, moisten the gauze in clean water or physiological saline.
  • Clean the area around the eye, eyelid, eyelashes and tear ducts to ensure proper hygiene.
  • Brush it off to remove loose hair that can get into the eyes.

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