Rescued Abandoned Pitbulls That Were In Very Poor Condition

Rescued abandoned pit bulls that were in very poor condition

Among the breeds considered more likely to star in some violent episodes, are the American Pit Bull Terriers. They are better known as pit bulls, which in this case have been abandoned pit bulls.

Mixed breed, abandoned pit bulls

This breed is often confused with others, such as the American Staffordshire Terrier. With them it shares origins, but is different in terms of standard and selection criteria.

Nor should pit bulls be confused with the Stafordshire Bull Terrier (smaller and companion breed). Not even with the English bull terrier. Not with the boxer either.

Regarding their contributions, pit bulls are currently used in the detection of narcotics, in security services and as pets. In Spain they are considered potentially dangerous.

Rescued 40 abandoned pit bulls in very poor condition


There are times when we get surprises with some dogs, which we believe are very dangerous and can be abandoned animals . Seeing dogs of some breeds, such as pit bulls, in a certain state of abuse and vulnerability, is truly incomprehensible.

According to a recent news item, around 40 dogs of this breed were found in terrible condition in an abandoned house located in Lake Mathews, Canada.

This house belonged to a known criminal, who had been imprisoned for drug trafficking. He was the one who left the pit bulls to their own devices.

The discovery of the abandonment in which the animals were made was made by the neighborhood. They alerted the Animal Control Service after sensing the bad smells that were in the place. When they arrived, they encountered a serious scene.

The place was with these animals in terrible condition. Many of them had died and others could no longer even move because of their weakness.

Tips for rescuing an abandoned dog

If we find an abandoned dog in the street, to approach it we will gently bend down at its height. We will keep a safe distance, trying to call you using whistles and speaking in a low tone of voice.

If the abandoned animal agrees to let us approach, we will caress it, first offering our hand to sniff it. Remember, we will never cuddle by putting our hand on her head.

The ideal is to stroke it at first from the bottom up. It may be that the animal has suffered humiliation, humiliation and beatings, and that is why our hand from above will instill fear.

We will not make sudden movements or actions. We will always move smoothly and within sight, without doing anything behind him, as that will cause him a lot of insecurity.

If what we want is to raise the abandoned animal to a vehicle, the best thing is to try to get it to follow us. But if we don’t succeed, we could try to carry it, but always with extreme care and looking at its face, to offer confidence on the one hand, and to monitor its gestures and reactions on the other.

If the animal becomes nervous about your presence or doubts your intentions, it is best to keep it away from avenues and streets where it can run and suffer an accident.

A leash for abandoned animals. What to do once caught


If you’re wearing a strap, you can try putting it on, but be careful. If you notice that the dog becomes nervous about this, the leash is not a good idea. It can be worse, as he could become aggressive, turn on the chain, hurt himself, or bite you.

Once the animal is with you, you have to take it somewhere safe. In case there are more pets in your house, do not immediately put it together with them, since you do not know their background. Remember that you do not know if he is sick or aggressive with other animals, even if he was not with you.

In the first moments you should give him water and food, watch how he defecates and urinates, make sure that his stools or pee do not have blood ; you can let a few hours pass before taking him to the vet. This way you will have prior knowledge of the animal and you will know how to answer the questions that the specialist will ask you.

It is very important that you win the trust of abandoned animals. In this way, he will feel for his whole life, and will remember him in his own way, that you helped him, and he will be grateful for it.

Once you make sure that he is completely healthy and the vet clears it, you can begin to integrate him into “society” with other animals. You can play with him, take him for a walk with a leash so that he gets used to it, starting to socialize him, etc.

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