A Cat Becomes A Museum Custodian

A cat becomes a museum janitor

If you want to know how a cat becomes the janitor of a museum, this story is for you. But even if it sounds like it, it is not a new film that came out of the feverish minds of Hollywood creatives. This is a real case, which was born as a joke and that, without wanting to, ended up becoming a great star at advertising egia. Here are the details.

D e joke to reality: a cat becomes a museum doorman

The news comes from Russia, more precisely from the city of Serpukhov, located 99 kilometers south of Moscow. There, it is a charming mansion from the XIX century where the Museum of History and Art works. By its surroundings, a couple of years ago, began to haunt Marai, the pussycat protagonist of this kind of story and that, Little by little, he was gaining the affection of the employees of the place.

sleeping cat

So far there is nothing particular in the story. But everything changed or April 1. That day is celebrated in Russia on April Fools’ Day. And to celebrate, the museum workers had no better idea than to spread the word that Marai had submitted an application to be a doorman of the building.

However, the media immediately saw that there was a good note of color there and began to call the museum to find out if the animal had obtained the position of janitor.

M More details of how a pussycat became the janitor of a Russian museum

It was then that the museum authorities, neither short nor lazy, decided that the joke would become reality and officially appointed Marai to the position. And of course, they received journalists to explain everybody the details about the feline and his work, including the salary he receives and the hours in which he performs his duties.

C As usually happens in these cases of laughing news that have adorable animals as protagonists, the Museum of History and Art of Serpukhov the number of visitors began to increase immediately.

L The media were able to spread friendly information that alienated, even for a while, Russian citizens – and also those of others places of matters of wars and economic crises. TO Some people cannot help being touched by stories that humanize animals.

Meanwhile, Marai, oblivious to these human questions , seems to be happy that they take it more and more into account.

OR after stories in which a cat becomes …

As you can imagine, the Marai story is not the only story about cats that end up occupying jobs and are used as excellent advertising tools.

Fuente: Facebook de Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat
Source: Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat Facebook

Recently the news broke of Felix, a cat who was appointed Senior Pest Controller for First TransPennine Express, at Huddersfield train station in West Yorkshire, UK. Even the pussycat has its own Facebook page where it “tells” details of its work.

Further back in time and further to the East took place the story of Tama, a deceased kitten who became the “boss” of the Kishi train station, in Japan. Their presence on site was so beneficial in terms of advertising revenue that and n 2009 the Wakayama Electric Railway company had the luxury of introducing the Tama Densha, a train with various drawings of the minina , Both inside and out. 

Tama’s successor is called Nitama and she is the one who, since 2012, accompanied her as a “apprentice” station chief.

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