A Man Collects Stray Dogs And He Already Has 735

A man collects stray dogs and already has 735

The stray dog ​​problem is truly a pandemic. Many countries (especially developing countries) do not know how to solve the situation of thousands of abandoned animals every year. Examples like those of this man who already has 735 are those that give us hope. Perhaps at some point people realize that dogs are beings that feel and need love, food and shelter.

The man who adopted 735 stray dogs

Rakesh Shukla lives on a 1.5 hectare farm near the city of Bangalore, in the Karnataka state of India. I always saw stray dogs running around here and there. But he did not sit idly by … He began to adopt them all! The first to arrive was a 45-day-old Golden Retriever puppy she found on the street. It was 2009 and since then he has not stopped in his campaign to bring home everyone he finds.

The last census yielded a really striking data. He already has no less than 735 furry ones, who love him unconditionally and demonstrate it by wagging their tail, jumping or licking his hand. The man walks around his farm petting them, scratching their ears or patting them on the head.

Animals are of all types, ages, sizes. But while they are mostly stray dogs, there are also other purebreds. For instance. have a beagle, great dane, rottweiller, golden retriever, labrador, pug, sausage, or saint bernard. The last to arrive are 22 pedigree furry who were left homeless when their owner passed away.

According to Shukla, “the father of dogs”, he is the last hope for these animals. Many are sick or elderly and no one wants to adopt them. He considers himself the father of all those “babies” and that’s what he calls them.

Rakesh’s farm

The farm employs 10 people who are in charge of feeding, cleaning, cleaning the beds, collecting the excrement, etc. Since 2012, Rakesh is the owner and receives help from some veterinarians and trainers. Every day the animals consume 200 kg of chicken and 200 kg of rice. Also, a good deal of money is spent on drugs and special treatments.

The man takes care of most of the expenses (about 800 euros per month). The rest is received from donations. Although he has had problems with neighbors or animal defenders, he says that the only way he will separate from them is when he or the puppies die.

Five women take care of more than 1000 stray dogs

Fuente: bbc.com
Source: bbc.com

Did you think that Rakesh’s story was the only one regarding “normal” people who adopt a lot of stray dogs? Well no. We have found the news about a group of five elderly women who in China take care of 1,300 dogs (approximately).

The shelter started in 2009 thanks to a woman, Ha Wenjin. She rescued several stray dogs that lived near her home. Over time and as he adapted more canines, he had to quit his job. He even sold the house, the car and even the jewelry to feed the furry ones.

This woman was joined by four more old women who knew her from the neighborhood of Shaanxi province. Every morning they get up at 4 a.m. to feed the dogs and cats under their care. Without the help of these women, without a doubt they would die of hunger, of cold, of some disease or run over by a car.

Government officials complained to Ha Wenjin for the land where he had built the shelter. They even threatened to shut down the place. For this reason, he had to move with his more than a thousand dogs to an area away from the people, in the town of Houyu. And for that… He rented four buses where he took all the animals to their new home!

Image source: bbc.com

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