All About The Purr Of Cats

This noise emitted by felines expresses both happiness, pain, anguish, stress, fear or that they suffer from some disease; it also has healing properties, not only for them, but also for people who have pets
All about the purr of cats

If there is something that characterizes kittens, it is that particular sound that they produce and that even today there is debate about its function or how it is generated. From My Animals we tell you some details about the purr of cats.

A sound difficult to define

But how exactly is the verb purr defined? The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) points out that it is a “kind of snoring” that the cat produces in demonstration that it is happy.

However, it has been shown that this manifestation is not just a show of cat happiness. Pussycats can also purr in situations of pain or distress, as we will develop later.

It has also been noted that it is like a buzzing, soft and continuous, but accompanied by a vibration that is perceived in the cat’s body. In addition, the purr varies with the breath and seems to become more audible and intense when the animal breathes in.

On the other hand, a cat already purrs a few days after being born. And this tool is essential for him to communicate with his mother. The cat even emits this sound to calm the young during labor and later when she suckles them, to prevent them from biting her nipples.

Purring cats: benefits

Theories about the purr of cats

The mechanism by which the purr is generated has not yet been fully clarified. In the 1960s, the so-called ‘hemodynamic’ theory was proposed, which established that it was produced by the passage of blood through the posterior vena cava.

Later it was believed that its origin was in the vibrations of the soft palate. Today, one of the most accepted versions is that it occurs by modulating the flow of air when it passes through the larynx.

It is estimated that, due to the contraction of the laryngeal muscles, a partial and repetitive closure of the glottis occurs. In this way, there are variations in the pressure of the air that passes through this organ, which thus generates the typical vibration of the purr.

Why do kittens purr

But, to all this, the million dollar question remains:  what is the purr of cats due to? Everything would seem to indicate that it is a manifestation that not only expresses that the animal is at ease or happy when, for example, we caress it.

And is that the purr is also present in kittens with fear, sick or suffering from some kind of pain or stressful situation. And it has even been observed in animals that are about to die.

Healing Cats Purr

In any case, the action of purring seems to fulfill a calming and comfort-seeking function that manifests itself in different circumstances. Cats have been shown to release endorphins when they purr. And these substances are related to pleasant situations, but they also help to relieve pain.

The self-healing function of the purr should not be discounted. Cats purr at a frequency between 25 and 150 Hz that would help, among other things, to increase bone density, repair their tendons and heal wounds.

What is clear is that we are not looking at a monotone sound. Everything seems to indicate that the kitten uses it according to each situation.

Healing purrs

The cat’s self-healing mechanism also appears to influence humans. At least in those who decide to share their lives with kittens. And this seems to be verified by various investigations.

For example, those people who daily pet their pets would be favored by purring in various ways. Namely:

  • They get rid of stress
  • They sleep better
  • Have fewer heart problems
  • They keep their pressure regulated
  • Improve your immune system
  • They overcome infections faster
  • Bones, muscles and tendons heal more easily

In short, if you have a pussycat, you will surely visit the doctor less. So now you know, pet your cat, relax and be happy.

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