Animal Abuse On An Organic Farm In France Sparks Scandal

Animal abuse on an organic farm in France sparks scandal

Have you ever listened to a pig or a cow being slaughtered to sell their meat? Maybe if you live in the city, no. But if, like me, you have had the opportunity to live in small towns or in the countryside, you would know the sadness that overwhelms the body when you are aware that one of those animals is being killed. That is why we consider it convenient for you to know about this scandal caused by mistreatment on an organic farm in France.

If one feels this way and it is assumed that they are legal farms that have authorization and all the necessary documents, what will it be like if the farm does not carry out the relevant protocol when it comes to dealing with animals? The same thing happened on an organic farm in France. This week the mistreatment of the animals that are there has been discovered and the scandal has been unleashed. We tell you everything.

France’s “organic” farm

farm animals

What comes to mind when you hear the word ecological? Possibly caring for the environment, environmental purity and countless other words related to love and care for nature.

That is supposed to make an organic farm, right? Love and care for animals. But it was not like that, the methods used are cruel and worst, the employees seem to enjoy the suffering of the animals.

The animal defense association called L214 found out about the situation and put the matter under investigation. They recorded a video that they did not hesitate to publish and share and that has quickly gone viral, raising the scandal.

The video of the organic farm in France

The video clearly shows the mistreatment these animals are subjected to. In My Animals we are neither in favor nor against those who decide to eat or not eat meat. We understand that there are animals that are sold to eat and there will always be them, but we are against animal abuse and we understand that there are more… let’s say orthodox ways of doing “that job”.

However, in the video it is seen that the employees treat the animals as if they were objects, as if they were not living beings and subject them to unnecessary torture.

For example, you see how a pig is being burned on the head by an electric clamp that is supposed to only render it groggy to avoid suffering.

The lambs are thrown and pushed violently down a narrow corridor over and over again, lengthening the suffering.

The electric tweezers are applied over and over again to give them cramps when they startle a little and half alive they hang them to prolong their torture while they let them bleed.

Nili Hadida, the singer of the group Lilly Wood and the Prick, presents the images assuring that “happy meat does not exist”.

The images leave no room for doubt, don’t you think? What will this slaughterhouse have said to excuse itself? Because what is clear is that we can no longer call it an “ecological” farm …

Excuses from the organic farm in France

According to the owner of the place (let’s call it that), these acts reflected in the video are without any doubt negligence that must be paid for and penalized by law, in addition to the subsequent dismissal… hopefully. Dismissal? Rather, they deserve the “deal” closing.

However, he does not blame himself at all, as the owner ensures that a veterinarian comes to the place daily and supervises all these actions. Did you see a vet in the video? Me neither.

And it is that the video shows how all the methods have been misrepresented. It is true that in slaughterhouses electric pliers and guns are used but with one purpose: to save the animal as much suffering as possible. The goal is not to laugh and enjoy watching the animals suffer as this video clearly shows.

We hope that this scandal that has been unleashed goes further and the culprits will be judged. We are not going to ask you to stop eating meat to avoid abuse, but if you want to help, do as Nili Hadida, report it!

Have the courage and do not be silent, you may not be able to change the whole world with your only help, but with the small efforts of all we can make a better world, a better place in which our children and grandchildren live.

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