Animals In Television Spots

Animals in television spots appeal to the feelings they arouse among humans, a way of doing emotional marketing
Animals in TV spots

In the history of television there  have been many animals in television spots that have captivated the public and that have gained enormous popularity. Probably all of us remember some funny or touching advertisement that has been carried out by some captivating animal. Next, we invite you to remember together the most famous animals in the spots .

Why are animals so successful in TV spots ?

According to experts, the fact that animals are a success in traditional and digital marketing is not something new. Especially when we talk about species with which we share empathy, such as dogs, cats, horses, pigs, dolphins, monkeys, etc.

The animals with which we identify often arouse positive emotions, such as tenderness or a sense of protection. While the species that we consider less ‘desirable’ can cause us disgust and even fear.

Prehistoric horse

For these reasons, many spots bet on horses to give us the feeling of freedom, or dogs to inspire us with the most innocent and unconditional love. While others choose cockroaches, rats and mosquitoes to promote their insecticide or antiparasitic products.

In all cases, it  is very difficult to remain indifferent when seeing these animals on the screen of our televisions or devices. This is the key to the success of what is often called ‘ emotional marketing ‘.

In addition, the animals in television spots or videos on the internet make it possible to reach a very wide audience. In this way, advertisers convey their message to very different people, who perhaps only agree on their taste for animals.

Dog watching tv

7 unforgettable animals in TV spots

These are some of the commercials that almost all of us have seen on television, with animals as protagonists:

1. ‘The man and the dog’

Not all television spots use animals to sell a product or service. Some advertisements try to promote campaigns, policies and events of great national or global importance.

This is the case of ‘the man and the dog’, whose objective was to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation. Advertising very wisely appeals to the great friendship between man and dog to remind us that we can save lives by donating organs. The result has been one of the most moving animal spots in history.

2. ‘Friends are waiting for us’

Another television spot that uses the link between humans and dogs to make its audience reflect. In this case, advertising warns of the dangers of driving if you have drunk alcohol and consume alcoholic beverages without moderation.

3. ‘Dogs and cats react to 4K television’

This is a very funny and innovative spot, in which we observe the real reactions of cats and dogs when they see a television with 4K technology for the first time.  It is a simple proposal that makes us laugh and reflect on how animals perceive the world around them.

4. ‘The story of a lost dog’

A lost dog, a horse and its guardian are the stars of this very exciting television spot. It is an invitation to reflect on our conception of sensitivity, intelligence and the way of relating to animals. A strong and firm answer for those who doubt whether animals have feelings.

5. ‘Adopt, don’t buy!’

In this advertisement we see the difficult life of a stray dog ​​and its urgent need to be adopted:  a shocking spot to remind us that there are thousands of dogs waiting for the opportunity to have a family and a home. We warn you in advance that you may get a few tears when you see it.

6. ‘Cooking while the human is away’

What owner has never wondered what their pets do during their absence? Well, this spot is one of the most creative answers to this question.

In advertising  we see a dog that takes advantage of the absence of its owner to venture out to cook its own food. But his plans will be suddenly interrupted by the return of the humans.

7. ‘The cat who has decided to lead the life of a dog’

Finally, we bring this creative spot that plays with the comparisons between the way of being of dogs and cats. In it, we are told the story of a pussycat who decides to act and live like a dog to have more fun.

Ultimately, this ad turns out to be an excellent satire that reminds us of the importance of allowing ourselves to enjoy life a little more.

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