Benefits Of Having A Pet At Home

Benefits of having a pet at home

Pets offer hundreds of benefits to humans. A dog, a cat, even a goldfish, provide therapeutic benefits to the health of their owners. Our little friends can alleviate loneliness, reduce stress, and even encourage social interaction. Taking care of a pet can even help it live longer.

Advantages of having a pet at home

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Although most pet owners are very clear about the immediate joys they receive from sharing their life with animals, many remain unaware of the benefits they have for their physical and mental health.

Recent studies have linked ownership of pets, especially dogs, with a lower risk of heart disease. Another relevant fact is that owning a pet promotes greater longevity among its owners. But this is not all.

Research has also shown that if you have a pet at home, you probably won’t suffer from depression, lower your stress levels, and significantly lower your blood pressure.

On the other hand, if you play with pets, you will surely feel more relaxed and your dopamine and serotonin levels will rise. Also, cholesterol and triglycerides will be lowered.

Having animals improves people’s spirits and makes you adopt some habits that are very healthy, such as going for a walk. They provide great relief for those suffering from bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety.

Taking care of a pet makes your life much more active, since we would be forced to do some kind of exercise. You should go out with your dog for a walk, at least once a day. Likewise, animals are great companions. You have to be aware of their needs and they help you to be more sociable, since when you take them out for a walk, you get distracted and establish dialogues with other people.

Pets are excellent companions for older adults. They allow them to go through a healthy aging. It makes their life happy, they are usually active and it helps their memory stay agile. It boosts vitality and keeps them connected to society.

Having a pet is a very good choice if you have children. It makes them more companions, active, sensitive and responsible. In autistic or hyperactive children, animals have been shown to be an excellent complement to different therapies.

If you want a pet …


If you have decided to bring a pet to your home, it is very important that you take into account some considerations. If you decide on a dog, he mostly needs to spend a few hours outdoors. If he spends most of the time in your house, it is best that you decide on an animal that does not have those kinds of needs, such as a cat, a fish or a bird.

If you are a very active person and enjoy daily activities outside the home, especially you like going for a walk or a run, an energetic dog might be the most suitable for you. Canine companions thrive on outdoor exercise, it keeps you moving.

Families with young children or the elderly who live in their homes should take into account the size and energy level of a pet. Puppies and kittens are usually very active. Large or mischievous dogs could accidentally injure or hit a small child or an adult, which is unstable.

If you already have animals at home, perhaps some of your members might be delighted to have a new member. However, if a pet has had exclusive access to your attention, it will probably be reluctant to live with another animal.

Finally, it is very important that you bear in mind that having a pet implies certain commitments and responsibilities. They are companions that will accompany you perhaps between 10 or even 30 years, in the case that it is a bird. Animals need you to take care of them. If you can’t take responsibility for your little friend’s needs, it’s best if you don’t have it.

And do not forget, if you are about to adopt a pet, remember that many adult dogs or cats are looking for a home, perhaps you can provide them with a loving home to spend their old years there.

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