Black And Tan Coonhound, An Excellent Hunter

Black And Tan Coonhound, an excellent hunter

The Black And Tan Coonhound is just one of the six Coonhound varieties. This is a breed used for hunting that belongs to bloodhounds. Would you like to know more about this beautiful animal? Well, come with us to know it.

His upbringing was geared toward being a working dog and supporting American ecosystems. So its physical characteristics help it to withstand inclement weather. Let’s learn more about this strong animal.

Everything you need to know about the Black And Tan Coonhound


According to traces of the breed, its oldest ancestor comes from a talbot, a Normandy breed dating back to the 11th century. The most immediate is in an American foxhound. However, this is a breed for which there is not much data on its development. Still, its resemblance to the bloodhound cannot be denied.

What is clear is that it comes from the southern Appalachians, a mountain range located between the United States and Canada. In these mountains it was used to hunt weasels and raccoons, although its abilities were quickly recognized and it was used for greater functions.

Few are considered purely American dogs, but the Black And Tan Coonhound is one of them. It is said that George Washington himself had 4, which is why he was one of the first coonhounds to be recognized in the year 1900.

Perro black and tan coonhound corriendo
Source: Bryce Bradford

A little later the Black And Tan Coonhound that we know today, with long ears, was developed.

General characteristics of the Black And Tan Coonhound

  • The coat is dense but short, although soft to the touch, and usually has fiery reddish spots, as is often the case with the Rottweiller.
  • His body is always proportional in length and height, keeping a balance between the two.
  • The head is elongated in shape and its muzzle is parallel to the top line of its skull. His ears are long, at eye level, and are drooping with wrinkles. Contrary to his face, which to be accepted as a race must not have any creases.
  • Regarding the length, from shoulders to tail it is 64 to 69 centimeters in males and 58 to 64 in females. Your back should always trace a straight horizontal line.
  • Their legs must be straight and always respecting the proportion with the rest of the body. In addition, they must present a muscular appearance with thick and strong bones.
  • Its tail is long and sturdy in appearance, always forming a right angle with hardly any curvature.
  • The admitted colors must never present a percentage of copper color greater than 15%, and there must not be white spots on the chest and legs.

Character and temperament of the Black And Tan Coonhound

The Black And Tan Coonhound has a natural instinct to track due to the wonderful qualities of its nose. Despite not being a fast dog, he has physical abilities and immense agility that help him in the work. Its hair also helps it, since its thickness and fat can protect it from dirt and roughness in the area, as well as from the attack of other animals.

He is an active and very independent dog, although he is loyal to his own. He is not nervous, so being with the children will not be a problem. It is a good dog to have as a pet, especially as a guardian of the home.

Special cares

They tend to suffer ear infections due to the shape of their ears, which does not allow their orifices to ventilate well. Therefore, it is necessary to observe their ears and clean them whenever necessary.

You also have to do the same with their eyes, as they can have infections or vision problems.

Hip dysplasia is a common problem as they age, something that can be avoided with a good dose of exercise.

The Black And Tan Coonhound is an ideal dog if you live in a wide area where it can have its space and its moments of solitude. Will you choose it as your pet?

Image source: Adam Salsman and Bryce Bradford.

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