Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

To give papaya to dogs or not is a question that assails many guardians. Know the benefits and contraindications of supplying it to your pet.
Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

Can Dogs Eat Papaya? It is a question that many guardians ask themselves who worry about varying the diets of their pets and consider options such as fruits and vegetables. Papaya is a very common fruit for human consumption and stands out for its natural benefits, but there are doubts about its impact on the body of dogs.

Like many foods, papaya has pros and cons. This fruit contains micronutrients and vitamins that can complement the diet of dogs, but it also has negative effects that are worth considering. Read on to answer your question with scientific arguments.

Papaya for dog

As studies have shown, papaya is a fruit that has outstanding properties. Humans use it as a laxative, natural antibiotic and digestion aid. It is rich in fiber, contains vitamins A, C, E and K, and minerals such as potassium, calcium and folic acid. Contributes to heart health and strengthening the immune system.

So, we start by answering that you can give your dog papaya, as it also helps to maintain the proper functioning of the digestive system. Even so, the first time you give it, you should pay attention to the dog’s reaction, do not overdo it and give it pieces without any peel or seeds.

A papaya with a colorful background.

Benefits of papaya for dogs

When the household dog consumes papaya, he is ingesting large amounts of fiber, minerals and vitamins, all of which are essential compounds in a pet’s usual diet in small doses. Among the benefits of this fruit, we highlight the following:

  • Strengthening the immune system: papaya has large amounts of vitamin C, a micronutrient that increases defenses, contributes to the adequate absorption of iron and acts as an antioxidant.
  • Maintains the health of hair and skin: the dog’s hair benefits from the consumption of papaya thanks to the amount of minerals that this fruit has. In addition to the healthy growth of the coat, the skin benefits from the action of vitamin A.

On the other hand, studies indicate that heart disease has a high prevalence in dogs of all breeds. Giving them papaya may help prevent heart problems, although more research is required to affirm this.

Do dogs like papaya?

Each canid is different and has its own preferences. Still, it is common for dogs to like papaya. The reason is that they find in it a food whose texture is pleasant and smooth. In addition, like all fruit, it can be a source of water and freshness during the summer.

If your dog has loved papaya, fine, let him enjoy it, but don’t overdo it. It is appropriate for a medium or large dog to consume a maximum of 4 slices per day. Never give the fruit with its seeds or peel and make sure it is not too ripe, to avoid a sugar overload.

In the event that your dog does not like papaya, do not insist too much. In any case, if you are providing him with a quality feed, his nutritional needs will be more than covered and he will not need papaya.

Papaya seeds

According to professional sources, papayas  have been used as anthelmintics in animal models. That is, it is believed that they could be used as a natural treatment for helminthiases or infestations by vermiform worms, helminths or parasitic worms.

In fact, another study consulted supports this use in native communities and indicates that its role as an immunomodulator is being studied, both in humans and in animals. Immunomodulators are those substances that improve the body’s immune response against different types of cancer.

However, experts indicate that, in large quantities, papaya seeds in dogs can be toxic, as they contain small amounts of cyanide. In addition – like the peel – these can cause gastrointestinal blockage, due to the inability of the body to digest them.

Impact of papaya seeds in the sperm of dogs

A scientific article, published in the journal Animal reproduction science,  points out that prolonged consumption of papaya seeds in dogs produces significant reductions in the concentration and displacement of their sperm.

It was also found that. In specific cases, the seeds of this fruit cause damage to Sertoli cells and alteration in the environment of the epididymis, key places in the spermatogenesis process. All of this could lead to reduced sperm production or subfertility .

However, researchers say qu and these effects are temporary, as they last the duration of the consumption of seeds. Once the animal stops consumption, it can begin to regain the characteristics and normal concentration of testicular sperm.

Is dehydrated papaya recommended for dogs?

Dried papaya is one of the ways in which this fruit can be consumed. However, the process by which it dries causes a higher concentration of sugar in a smaller portion, which can be counterproductive in dogs with diabetes or pancreatitis.

In the case where you want to give your dog dehydrated papaya, give him small pieces and no more than 4 a day. In addition, whether in this form or others, it is better to consult with a veterinarian about your desire to supply this fruit. Considering the medical history of your pet, the professional will advise you if it is healthy to do so and what is the best way to complete its diet with it.

Do you know if papaya is good for dogs?

In conclusion, papaya can be an excellent complement to the canine diet, but only if allowed by your trusted veterinarian. Before any type of intolerance or rejection, stop the dosage of this fruit and stick to the standard diet.

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