Claritin In Dogs: Everything You Need To Know

Although it is true that Claritin in dogs can be beneficial to cure skin conditions, it is also a drug whose consumption can lead to some side effects, hence a consultation with the veterinarian is essential.
Claritin in dogs: everything you need to know

When the so-called best friend of man suffers from some discomfort or illness, it is not easy to know how to alleviate it. We tell you what you need to know about the use of Claritin in dogs, a medicine used to treat, above all, skin allergies.

A drug that can relieve dogs

A recommendation that we never tire of repeating from My Animals is that you should not give your pet medicines for human use.

And it is unnecessary to clarify that we are of different species, so  what is good for people may not have the same effects on canines.

However, it is also true that veterinarians often prescribe drugs used in humans to treat certain ailments in dogs. This is the case with Claritin, an over-the-counter antihistamine.

Loratadine in dogs

What is Claritin for in dogs?

The non-brand name of this medicine is loratadine. It works by blocking receptors for histamine, a substance released by the body, for example during allergic reactions.

In the case of dogs, it is usually indicated by some professionals, to :

  • Treat skin irritations caused by allergies. Pollen, certain foods, or flea saliva can trigger itching, redness, hives, and swelling.
  • Reduce side effects generated by some vaccines. In these cases, it is advisable to give loratadine before application.
  • Attenuate inflammation related to mast cell tumors. These are malignant masses that can appear anywhere on the animal’s body, especially on the skin.

    Tips for using loratadine

    If it is not good to self-medicate for humans, in the case of pets it is the veterinarian who must indicate the dose and treatment time according to the characteristics of each dog.

    The professional will determine how loratadine should be used according to the size, age, weight, breed or health of the dog.

    In no way should you provide this medication to your pet without prior indication from the veterinarian. Nor should you vary the dose or increase or decrease the period of administration of the medication that was indicated.

    Claritin side effects

    Claritin side effects

    Keep in mind that, like all medications, loratadine can cause your dog some side effects. Although Claritin in dogs appears to cause less drowsiness than other antihistamines, animals treated with this drug may present:

    • Urinary retention
    • Increased thirst
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Dry eyes and mouth
    • Confusion
    • Behavior changes

    In any case, the veterinarian should be consulted urgently to determine if the treatment is interrupted or changed.

    More topics to consider

    An important detail is that you should not confuse Claritin with Claritin-D. The latter, in addition to loratadine, contains pseudoephedrine, a substance that can be very harmful to your dog.

    You should also notify the vet if your pet has a health problem that he is unaware of. This drug should be administered with caution, especially in cases of liver or kidney problems.

    Also, do not forget to tell the professional if the dog is taking any other medicine or supplement. And it should not be administered in the case of pregnant bitches or who are nursing their puppies.

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