Do You Know How To Detangle A Dog’s Hair?

Do you know how to detangle a dog's hair?

When it comes to acquiring a dog, sometimes we are in doubt as to whether to look for a short-haired or a long-haired one. They’re both cute, but the long-haired ones give a plush look that often steals our hearts. But of course, a dog’s hair, if it is long, can also create a series of complications when caring for it, such as those happy knots that we do not know how to untangle.

Those knots that are made in a dog’s hair can almost drive us crazy and sometimes we even decide to cut their hair to remove the problem and to avoid harming the animal. But today we are going to show you that this can be fixed. Of course, you are going to need a lot, a lot, a lot of patience. Let’s first look at the breeds with the hardest hair to fix.

Breeds with difficult hair

comb your dog 3

  • Shit zu. Those precious dogs whose hair falls out of their eyes and looks like cotton candy when they leave the hairdresser … What are they to eat? But as the days go by, her hair gets tangled and tangled, creating knots that makes us make an extreme decision: cut her hair.
  • Turkish or water dog. It is possible that this is the most difficult dog hair to detangle that there can be. Although it seems that before us is a beautiful gray sheep, the hair of a Turkish dog is so curly that it undresses itself.
  • Poodle. And what about the hair of a poodle dog that seems to have come out of the salon with the perm done? Her small afro curls make it extremely difficult to care for her hair.
  • Pomeranian. Those little orange foxes have beautiful hair, they look like a ball that can roll. But her hair also gets knotted and tangled easily.

    We know that there are many other dog breeds that have complicated hair. We cannot list them all, but the following tips will help you, regardless of what breed your dog is.

    Tips for detangling a dog’s hair

    The first thing you have to do is choose a time when you are not in a hurry, plenty of time is what you need. Take a deep breath and sink the idea into your head that you are going to work hard and that you are going to need a lot of patience.

    Do not make the mistake of believing that if you bathe your dog the knots will disappear. It’s not true, they’ll still be there, just wet. So to start treating it, we are going to do it dry.

    Let’s start by looking for the knots. If you are in the habit of brushing your dog on a daily basis, he is more likely to have a reduced amount of knots or tangles.

    hair dog

    Once you find a knot, try to open it a bit with your hands. Since you don’t want to hurt the animal, make sure you don’t pull the root. Then, placing one of your hands under the tangle, start brushing from the center to the outside, to one side and the other.

    This operation must be done in each and every one of the knots that you find if you want to “save” your friend’s mane. If there are some knots that seem very attached to the skin, choose a rake-type comb and holding the root with your fingers so as not to hurt the dog, pull gently to remove the tangle a little out and be able to manipulate it.

    Then, do the above operation with the usual brush.

    For after the entanglements …

    Once you think you are done with all the tangles, hit the shower. After bathing him with a hydrating shampoo, apply a dog mask to soften the dog’s hair and tangles.

    Let it act for a few minutes. Do not separate from your dog or he may lick the mask causing poisoning. Rinse and go back to look for knots. It is likely that with wet hair you will see them more easily. If you find one that you missed before, treat it as we taught you in the previous paragraphs.

    Once you think there are no knots or tangles left, it’s time for drying and brushing.

    We hope we have explained it clearly, but since they say that an image is better than a thousand words, here is a video in which you can see it step by step. Isn’t the end result beautiful? Cheer up! With patience yours can stay the same.

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