Dog Breeds That Do Everything To Please Their Owners

Dog breeds that do everything to please their owners

Intelligence in a dog, like human intelligence, has several dimensions. Whether bred for hunting or herding, there are some breeds of dogs that are more inclined to work, move and of course, please you. 

Dog breeds

labrador y boxer

The Border Collie is a workaholic, this breed, the world’s premier sheep herder, is prized for its intelligence, extraordinary instinct, and hard work.

The Poodle is elegant and very active, depending on its size it may have a certain ability, whether it is for truffle hunting or childcare.

The German Shepherd, like this leader there are not two. It is a brave and confident dog, without a doubt, it will protect you at all times. He is a great companion and very affectionate.

The Golden Retriever. He is very intelligent and eager to please at all times. Bred as a hunting companion, it is ideal either as a guide or to assist in search and rescue operations.

The Doberman Pinscher  is known for its endurance and speed, it will become an excellent member of your family.

The Shetland Sheepdog  is a miniature collie that can be extremely intelligent. Excels in grazing.

The Labrador Retriever  is a great athlete and very familiar. Besides being very smart.

Papillon. This breed of dog is one of the most cheerful. He’s a bit shy but not aggressive at all.

The Rottweiler  is a robust and powerful dog, it is ideal for work. He is also very obedient, a great competitor, and a devoted partner.

The Cattle  are happy doing their herding work. Also very agile, energetic and intelligent.

What are the needs of these breeds?

bulldog 2

A Doberman if you leave him alone for a long time, as much as he is a faithful, pleasant dog and companion, if you are away from home for more than 10 hours, he will surely get bored and destroy your precious sofa. However, it   can take an English Bulldog up to 8 hours to find out that you are gone. That is, you can come to your house, they will greet you and everything will continue in the same place.

A Border Collie, for example, is a breed that has been bred to work all day, so if he doesn’t have the opportunity to work or exercise, it will be a problem for him. Having an intelligent dog is like having a very intelligent child. They are always on the lookout and if they get bored they will get into trouble. That is why it is very important that when choosing a pet, you take into account what its needs are and ask yourself if you will have enough time to cover them.

Can you teach a dog new tricks?

There are some dogs that tend to seem disoriented, perhaps somewhat more independent and not so eager to please their owner. If your pet is that type of animal, don’t worry, you can teach him some tricks to make him a little more receptive to your orders. But to do so, their training will require more patience on your part and lots of praise and caresses.

An Australian Shepherd dog, for example, will always stay by your side and will love to be patted on the head. A Jack Russell terrier, on the other hand, is a breed with great energy, which will always seek you to reward it with a treat or will surely lose interest in learning.

On the other hand, the Beagle, is a breed trained to work independently, it probably needs more training time.  And the Bulldog, can learn quickly, as long as he does not feel that he is being punished.

According to some studies based on various skill tests, there are some breeds of dogs that tend to be less predisposed to following orders. During training, the performance of these animals is usually not too high. Among them are breeds such as Shih Tzu, Bassett Hound, Mastiff, Pekingnese, Bloodhound, Borzoi, Chow Chow, Bulldog, Basenji or Afghan Greyhound (less obedient).

But be very careful. It is not that there are intelligent and unintelligent dogs. More pleasant or less pleasant. Although some breeds may show greater predisposition and ability, it is a fact that it all depends on how you relate to your pet. How much time do you spend with her, when do you play and many other factors that have to do with upbringing and the context in which she unfolds.

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