Dog That Ate A Toy Had To Undergo Surgery

Dog that ate a toy had to undergo surgery

The dog and his toy make a duo as beautiful and happy as we did when we were children with our stuffed animals. The best friend not only tends to have a lot of fun with these objects, games with humans are also very helpful to them to be able to combat both stress and anxiety.

However, playing carelessly with a toy can lead to accidents that are sometimes extremely dangerous to your health.

As is to be expected, due to this fact it is essential to have people who are pending, or failing that, to know what is the proper use to avoid inconveniences.

Believe it or not, this can not only happen to the smallest of the house, but also to our beautiful four-legged friend. They can suffer delicate situations from time to time when they are playing.

Most worryingly, some of these situations can be dangerous. So much so that sometimes they reach the point where the dog must be treated urgently to prevent the damage from being fatal.

This is what happened to a beautiful dog recently. Next we will tell you the whole story

Honey and her toy

boxer lying

This incredible event occurred in the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, when a cute dog named Honey was playing normally with her owner. Suddenly she began to show a strange weakening that had never been normal for her, a fact that aroused suspicion and concern.

Far from being wrong, his fears began to come true when Honey began to vomit strangely. The problem worsened to the point where the poor dog would repeat this terrible symptom for a whole week.

Feeling desperate not to know what his furry pet might be suffering, his master would review the places where he spends his time. Finally she discovered a small plush toy cut in half, which meant that the girl had eaten it.

Running to the hospital

Faced with this situation, the owner of this little four-legged girl would quickly go with her to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society so that she could be seen quickly by a veterinarian. It was the way in which a professional could determine the seriousness of the matter and know what measures to take to solve it.

After several minutes in which they studied the symptoms of the canine, in addition to its reactions to different stimuli, the specialist Rick Snock decided that he should perform a surgical intervention on Honey.

And it is that according to his criteria as a veterinary specialist, this would be the most effective way to regain his health, since the part of the toy that was still in his intestine would be removed.

Although the owner was nervous about the operation, Snock assured him that everything would be fine and he had nothing to worry about.

Successful intervention

What was a real relief for everyone is that the surgery turned out to be a success. They removed no more and no less than 6 inches of plush, but there was no damage whatsoever.

Honey responded favorably at all times, so that her life could return to normal without major mishaps, as long as the same episode did not happen again.

The truth is that in addition to this being excellent news, this intervention was carried out at the most opportune moment. According to the specialist, if it had not been carried out at this time, the dog would not have survived even one more week.


Autor: Soggydan Benenovitch
Author: Soggydan Benenovitch

Beyond this, Scott explained that what happened with Honey was nothing strange. There are some toys that when dogs eat them, they travel through the stomach until they reach the intestine. They can only be expelled from this place through surgery.

Similarly, he explained that in the event that the object is in the stomach, the only thing that should be done is an endoscopy or cause vomiting.

The truth is that when a dog has eaten a toy, these are the symptoms it presents:

  • Depression
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Threw up
  • Lack of appetite

If you notice that your little four-legged friend is suffering from any of these signs, you should take him to a vet immediately.

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