Dogs And Smell: Another Way Of Seeing The World

It is the most important and powerful sense of the canids, and it is that it far exceeds that of the human being; tracking breeds, such as the beagle, are the most highly developed
Dogs and smell: another way of seeing the world

The smell of dogs is one of their most powerful senses, in contrast to the human sense, this is up to 100,000 times or more powerful. It is their favorite tool, and thanks to it, dogs and smell change the way they see the world

The essence of things

If you pay attention, you will notice that dogs are constantly sniffing about everything around them; in this way, they identify people and places known to them faster.

Each individual in the animal kingdom has a characteristic and particular essence that identifies them in the world, and dogs know this well. This is why we see that when meeting an individual for the first time, they identify him by smelling him from top to bottom.

Without a doubt, the relationship between dogs and smell is very great; As they are natural hunters, their smell is their best tool for sniffing their prey through the forest or field, as the case may be.

Dogs and smell; why is theirs better

It all starts with the cranial structure of our companions ; If we take the myth about the origin of dogs, wolves came to the Cro-Magnon  men by smelling their food. In this way, a bond is created between both species by sharing food with each other.

As a result of this fact, we can see the first evidence of the power of smell of the canis family . If we speak biologically, we observe a great advantage in the structure of the animal’s skull; its snout allows a better reception of smells in contrast to that of humans.

Smell of wolves

If we follow this order of ideas, we must emphasize that dogs have a greater number of sensory cells in their nose, in contrast to the human nose. This means that dogs can differentiate smells more widely.

Not only this, the nose or truffle of the animal is designed to better exploit this sense ; the structure presents openings that are quite large at the beginning and with lateral openings that make it easier for air to access the nasal passage.

In the canine snout, we observe a more elongated nasal canal, which allows for more odor receptors throughout the canal. And not only that, the channel is dedicated to the nasal opening, that is, where the air that the animal breathes passes through.

Smells and identification

Thanks to their powerful sense of smell, dogs can smell the world in different ways than humans are used to. They can sniff things out that the human race can’t, and even recognize people and objects without actually seeing them.

Each person and animal have a specific odor that is linked to the individual’s metabolism, which indicates that there are no duplicates in the identification of animals. Take, for example, the case of bloodhound dogs.

Smell of the beagle

This brings us to another important point: dogs can move their nostrils at will to know exactly where the scent is coming from. So this is the secret of why they are such skilled trackers and a great tool for the human.

With good training, the animal can be trained to track even the most unexpected things ; from objects like narcotics to cancer; the nose of these animals seems to have no limits.

There are cases where they are even trained to track whales in the open sea, by following the aroma of their feces throughout the aquatic surface. And is not for less. L or smells coming more easily under humid conditions.

So this is one of the main factors why the animal’s truffle is always wet. A dry truffle can become a symptom of some disease, so if your puppy behaves strangely, it is best to check this organ.

So now you know, the smell in dogs allows them to see the world in dimensions that we cannot even think of. And if you have a dog, remember to bring out all the potential that his nose can offer.

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