Gecko Tokay: The Most Moody Reptile In The Animal Kingdom

The tokay gecko is one of the most violent reptiles in the animal kingdom. In addition to their powerful bite, these animals can carry harmful pathogens if they infiltrate the victim’s wound.
Tokay gecko: the grumpiest reptile in the animal kingdom

Every day more people decide to have an exotic pet. These animals, mostly amphibians and reptiles, are captivating due to their striking looks and unusual behaviors. Still, it is important to know that not all species for sale are suitable for domestication. This is the case of the tokay gecko.

As in cats and dogs, there are varieties of exotic animals that are not suitable for beginners. Do you know the grumpiest reptile in the animal kingdom? Here we present it to you.

The Tokay Gecko

The tokay gecko ( Gekko gecko)  is a species of reptile of the Gekkonidae family  , widely distributed throughout Asia. Here are some of its features:

  • It is a large reptile, as it can measure up to 30 centimeters long.
  • It has a grayish or greenish color with orange spots. The background tonality of the animal can vary depending on the surface it is on, for mimetic purposes.
  • It is an animal with a large head, as it carries powerful, highly muscular jaws.
  • It is a nocturnal reptile with arboreal habits. It features finger suction cups that allow you to scale fully vertical surfaces.

An atypical bad mood

Most exotic domestic reptiles are characterized by gentle demeanor. This is the case, for example, of the leopard gecko. To understand the bad mood of the tokay gecko we have to go to its evolutionary history and customs in the natural environment.

This reptile inhabits the tropical forests of India, Nepal and Indonesia among other places. These habitats are teeming with animal species, which can potentially translate to increased numbers of predators and competitors. This could be one of the explanations for his unusual aggressiveness.

In addition, tokay geckos feed on insects with very tough outer cuticles. That is why they have developed such prominent jaw muscles, as it allows them to destroy the armor of their prey.

A tokay gecko on white background

A powerful and painful bite

An atypical behavior of the tokay gecko is, in many cases, its violent defense strategy. Instead of running or hiding (which they also often do), these animals sometimes stand up to their potential threat by pouncing on it. Yes, your hand as a guardian can be that potential threat.

That is why extreme care must be taken when having a tokay gecko in the home. These reptiles bite when they are afraid, when they are angry and when they are stressed, although they are usually calm animals that if they are not disturbed they do not seek conflict.

Beyond the wound

When a tokay gecko bites, it is quite difficult to change your mind. Several cases report that the animal does not detach from the skin unless it is immersed in warm water. What’s more, trying to separate the reptile from the bite area is counterproductive, since it only makes it bite harder.

The immediate solution is in tranquility. Like other animals, these geckos interpret the emotions of the guardians in their own way. A calm person who does not move is no longer a potential danger, so keeping calm the animal should let go of itself.

In addition to the physical pain that this can cause (the wounds generated by this animal can be relatively deep), there is a danger of transmission of pathogens. Above all, if it is a gecko obtained from its natural environment, it may contain viruses and bacteria.

Most of these pathogens are not harmful to humans, but there are some that are, such as bacteria of the genus  Salmonella. This is why it is essential that exotic animals come from specialized farms and not from extraction from their natural environment.

A tokay gecko in a threatening position.

A human responsibility

Unlike cats and dogs, reptiles cannot be tamed with training and affection. Some are more docile than others and by exposure they can tolerate human presence, but one thing we must be clear about: exotic animals are not our friends.

This is why respecting their autonomy is essential to maintain a healthy coexistence with animals such as the tokay gecko. They do not enjoy our company or interaction with us, and therefore, leaving them alone unless it is essential to manipulate them is essential for their well-being.

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