How A Dog Saved The Life Of His Obese Owner

How a dog saved the life of its obese owner

Seven years ago, Eric O’Grey had received an ultimatum from his doctor. And if you didn’t change some fundamental issues, the best thing you could do was buy yourself a coffin. The middle-aged man weighed 154 kilos and suffered from various illnesses related to being overprisoned. But everything changed when she decided to adopt Peety. And that’s how a dog saved his life.

A story of mutual rescue

This true story was collected in a video made by the organization Rescate Mutuo, with the aim of showing that, when animals are adopted, people’s lives can also be transformed. And under the title Eric and Peety, it is told how man and dog helped each other.

In 2010 O’Grey was warned that if he did not take steps to reverse his obesity, he would have at most 5 years to live. The man suffered from:

  • Type II diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure

In addition, he spent fortunes on drugs that did little and nothing to improve his delicate state of health.

Eric and Peety’s meeting

The last straw was when Eric, who worked in the sales area of ​​a company in San Francico (USA), felt humiliated when a man claimed that he was going to miss a flight because of him. And it is that O’Grey was so obese that the flight attendant could not find a seat belt of his size.

There he decided that he had to do something to change things. Then he put himself in the hands of a nutritionist, who apart from giving him sound advice for healthy eating, recommended that he adopt a dog. The idea was that the pet would encourage him, among other things, to go for a walk every day.

So Eric approached Humane Society Silicon Valley. And he asked those responsible for the shelter “an obese middle-aged dog.” He certainly wanted a pet that had something in common with him. And then Peety appeared.

Peety, a dog that suffered from various problems

The animal also had its health drawbacks :

  • 12 kilos overweight
  • Arthritis
  • Skin allergies

But he also carried a great sadness, the result of the indifference with which his last owner had treated him, who ended up abandoning him.

The first hours together for Peety and Eric were strange. Neither of them knew quite what to do. But before long they became inseparable friends, as their lives changed for the better.

This is how the dog saved his owner’s life (and vice versa)


The man and his pet began to walk for half an hour every day and to eat properly. A year later, Peety had lost 11 kilos and Eric, 64. But, in addition, his diabetes had disappeared and it was no longer necessary for him to gorge himself on medications.

Although perhaps the most important thing is that both human and dog were able to come out of their shell. And that they were transformed into happy beings. The dog regained his lost pride and the man learned what loyalty is and that someone loves you regardless of your appearance or your defects. So Eric says that he found the motivation to be a better person.

If you want to know more details about the history of these two survivors who managed to save each other, we leave you this video.

Jake, Eric’s new friend

But since nothing lasts forever, after a few years of happiness, old age and illness ended her dog’s life.

By this time, Eric, who had vowed to start marathon training, was devastated. However, all her experiences with Peety had not been in vain.

It was then that she went to an animal shelter in Seattle, where she currently resides, and adopted Jake, who had just entered the shelter.

With his new friend, O’Grey runs every day to keep fit and participate in different marathons. He also reunited with his high school sweetheart and just got married. Without a doubt, Eric’s existence took an incredible turn. And Peety had a lot to do with it. The dog saved his life. And this human has it very clear. And he doesn’t stop thanking you.

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