How Does The Cat’s Water Fountain Work?

The cat water fountain has become increasingly popular because felines prefer moving water
How does the cat's water fountain work?

It is now widely accepted that cats crave moving water. And that is why vets recommend the cat’s water source to make sure they are drinking enough. In the wild, and cats are still very ‘in the wild’, moving water is safer.

Stagnant water harbors countless bacteria that can be lethal. This is why cats are naturally attracted to moving water and will in almost all cases drink more when given ‘running’ water.

Why is the cat’s water source so important?

Simply because drinking a sufficient amount of water is vital to your pet’s health, and the cat’s water source almost always guarantees that they will drink more water.

Most people don’t think of water as a nutrient, but none of the nutrients a cat ingests will ever get where they need to go without water, so in a very real sense, cats’ water intake is the base of all its nutrition.

Water also carries oxygen through the bloodstream and cells, hydrates the lungs, regulates body temperature, and helps flush waste products from metabolism through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Cats’ water intake – when sufficient – contributes to elastic skin and shiny fur. Good health signs.

Drinking water in cats

Cats are attracted to moving water

A decreased thirst drive that some cats appear to display may be due to evolutionarily coming from a desert environment. Most of the time it comes from unattractive water sources, that is, standing water in a container.

If fed with wet food, the cats’ need for water will decrease greatly, but not entirely, and an attractive water source is still recommended so that the intake of the vital fluid is sufficient. If dry food is a cat’s main diet, a source is even more important.

Learn more about the water needs of cats

There are several kidney and urinary tract diseases that cats are prone to, and they are associated with insufficient water intake. One of the most serious diseases that cats and other pets are subject to is called urethral obstruction.

Many cats are prone to a blockage in their urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder, which can lead to a very serious condition and can often lead to death.

If not enough water is available, or there are no attractive sources of water, a cat may not drink enough. This leads to highly concentrated urine and it is in this that the womb tends to develop. Sufficient water intake can prevent this, and this is the main role that a cat’s water source plays.

Components and Operation of the Cat Water Fountain


All fountains have an electric pump. This element generates the constant movement of water and is responsible for keeping it better for longer, as it facilitates its oxygenation.

Cat water fountain


They are usually made of activated carbon, used for both public and domestic purification. This will be responsible for filtering both impurities from the water, such as hairs, remains of dust or organic matter that has come into contact with the water.


Each fountain has a different mechanism, which allows you to choose the way we want the water to diffuse. They come in the form of trickle, waterfall, gurgling, etc. That will depend on which one your cat likes the most.

Cat water fountain: types

  • Of plastic. The pump is quiet, but the noise of the water on the landing pad makes a cheap plastic sound. Cleaning is difficult and because it is made of plastic it can harbor bacteria. They are not known for their long life.
  • Stainless steel. This is a reasonable option. They are relatively easy to clean, do not scratch or harbor bacteria.
  • Ceramic. Produces a waterslide that fills the bowl. It is one of the most attractive on the market. The only possible negative is that since it is made in China there is no way to tell if lead was used in the enamel.

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