How To Care For A Dog With Cancer

Faced with a disease as severe as cancer, it is essential to ensure the comfort of the sick pet. We owe it to them.
How to care for a dog with cancer?

Unfortunately, a frequently asked question at the veterinary clinic is how to care for a dog with cancer. Within all existing pathologies, this fearsome disease is common in both pets and humans.

Therefore, we must ensure that the animal feels the best possible in this situation. So, we will see what tips are useful and what activities to avoid when caring for a dog with cancer.

Cancer: that feared enemy

Despite the fact that cancer is one of the best known diseases, at a scientific level there is still much to discover. Therefore, we must follow the instructions given by specialists when caring for animals with cancer. There is no room for improvisation here.

Regarding the chances of suffering from it, it is estimated that one in four dogs can develop cancer. Instead, it is estimated that it only occurs in one in five cats. Next, we present various fronts to consider when faced with this disease.

How to care for a dog with cancer.

Healthy nutrition

Some studies have shown the influence of good nutrition in the fight against different diseases. Well, cancer is one of them without a doubt.

Therefore, if a balanced diet is followed and specified by professionals, this pathology can be battled, at least relatively. Specifically, it is estimated that diet influences in two different ways:

  • Fight against the disease: it is important to emphasize that nutrition will not cause the disappearance of the tumor. However, it can influence the development of the disease.
  • It favors the immune response: as is already known, the body has its own army to fight diseases. By stimulating it, the immune system can fight more effectively.

    However, it should be noted that cancer causes your immune system to be compromised. This means that it does not allow the correct defense of the organism.

    In this way, a correct diet, along with other factors, helps fight the disease. The diet should include adequate amounts of protein, fat, and some vegetables.

    What characteristics must food meet?

    Thus, the next question that may arise is what foods should be included in each meal. To do this, we briefly mention the characteristics that these must meet:

    • Food that is not well cooked. The key is to kill the microbes present in the food, as this can prevent the development of carcinogenic events.
    • Do not give raw food. When trying to mimic the more realistic diet, you can think of raw foods. Unfortunately, these (vegetables, meats, etc.) contain microorganisms that must be eliminated.
    • Foods rich in calcium.
    • Avoid the use of salt.
    • Clean and fresh water. Some studies show that water containing fluoride increases the possibility of developing bone cancer.
    • The consumption of processed feed is not recommended.

    Therefore, the ideal diet must integrate what is indicated in the correct proportions. However, the advice collected is general: when in doubt, it is essential to go to a specialist.

    Daily routine

    Pets generally love to have a routine, especially if you keep them busy. For this reason, it is convenient to do fun activities, such as exercise or playtime.

    Always with veterinary approval, it is advisable to maintain the usual walk. Thus, it is achieved that sick dogs stay active and motivated, which prevents them from relating the outings only with the visit to the veterinarian.

    However, games and exercises will need to be adapted, depending on the type and severity of the cancer. Low-stress activities, with rest breaks, are probably best.

    Although playing helps sick dogs to distract themselves, you must be aware of their behavior. The goal is for them to relax, not put pressure on them and cause them harm or pain.

    Hygiene maintenance

    During an illness, it is essential to maintain the hygiene of the animal and the home. Due to the pathology, his immune system is compromised and he is not strong enough to fight.

    In the event that the animal needs diapers, these can be a source of infection. In addition, they can cause irritations or even wounds in the diaper area.

    Therefore, by maintaining hygiene and caring for the animal, the risk of infection is reduced. In these cases, an infection can be very dangerous for the pet.

    Some tricks for the home

    Other ways to facilitate the stay of the sick dog at home is to follow some of the tricks. Next, we are going to mention some of them that may be useful:

    • Non-slip floor. In this way, the movement of the animal around the house is facilitated. You can also put rugs or padded children’s floors.
    • Block access to dangerous places. Among them, the stairs, for example, in the event that the dog has movement difficulties.
    • Rest places. It is positive that the dog has a place to rest, but that it is close to the family. Thus, you will continue to actively participate in the dynamics of the home.

    A sick husky on a stretcher.

    Although cancer is one of the hardest diseases today, it is not all bad news. It is estimated that about 50% of tumors found in pets are benign.

    This implies that the probability of recovery is very high, which is a joy. However, the healthcare professional will indicate how to properly care for a dog with cancer.

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