How To Deal With An Epilepsy Attack In Dogs?

How to act before an epilepsy attack in dogs?

Epilepsy in dogs is a pathology that is usually hereditary, and more common in some certain breeds, such as: German Shepherd, Saint Bernard, Setter, Beagle, Poodle, some Dachshund and Basset Hound. The first epileptic seizure often occurs in dogs between the ages of six months and five years.

Five would be the fundamental guidelines that we must follow in the event of an epileptic seizure: keep calm, lay down the dog, do not try to stick your tongue out, let it recover and follow the treatment recommended by the veterinarian. Epilepsy does not mean death, but it can be a serious accident for the dog.

dog caress

Steps to take against an epileptic seizure of our pet

  • The first thing is to stay calm and position the animal so that it does not hit or fall from a high place. Keep in mind that at those times the dog is not aware of anything he is doing.
  • The animal must be laid down on a soft surface, such as a mat, cushions, etc., so that it is comfortable and does not hurt itself due to seizures.
  • It is not a good idea to stick the tongue out of the dog in order to breathe better or to facilitate the entry of air. The risk of being bitten is real.
  • When the epileptic seizure is over, we have to let the animal recover in a quiet place because the most normal thing is that after the physical effort that the seizures produce, it is exhausted.
  • A visit to the vet is a must. He will be the one to impose the appropriate treatment in case he considers it so. It usually consists of the administration of valium, a muscle relaxant that is applied rectally.
    • For subsequent epileptic seizures, the owners of the dog will have the pills or the treatment on hand to apply them immediately rectally.


    An epileptic seizure in a dog can have different degrees of intensity. There are some signs that will tell us that our friend is suffering from one of these attacks. For example, if the dog is more nervous and restless than normal, it is a sign that something is happening or that something is going to happen.


    Usually the seizures last less than a minute or two, but for homeowners who suffer the situation can seem like an eternity. Once the process is complete, the dog is exhausted and disoriented as well.

    Experts recommend tranquility and calm for people who accompany their pet in these difficult moments. The first thing to consider is that epilepsy does not kill, although visually it is so cumbersome and distressing. There are also no known direct side effects. What can happen, and it is what must be avoided, is that the animal hits or bites its tongue.

    So-called idiopathic epilepsy in dogs is incurable and will most likely require lifelong treatment. It also cannot be detected through analysis or X-rays and, in general, it does not need emergency treatment, unless the attacks recur every so often. The latter would be very dangerous for the dog.

    We can be sure that the animal does not suffer during the attack, and that it rarely causes death. In cases where epilepsy is caused by a brain tumor or by ischemia (decreased arterial blood supply), the animal can be operated on. In the event that the attacks are very frequent, a treatment based on appropriate medications is applied.

    Some useful tips for epilepsy

    Ttouch technique, stroking a dog

    • It is a chronic disease. Once diagnosed, the most common is that the treatment for our pet must be followed for life.
    • The first time we perceive in our friend symptoms that may be similar to those of an epileptic seizure, we should go to the vet.
    • To minimize these epileptic seizures, it is necessary to follow the treatment prescribed by the veterinarian to the letter.
    • The epileptic dog must have a relaxed environment, since stressful situations are often factors that cause epileptic episodes. Where possible, the animal’s environment should be calm and serene.

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