How To Help Shelters To Adopt Dogs And Cats

How to help shelters to adopt dogs and cats?

Shelters that adopt dogs and cats do an excellent job of taking care of the underprivileged on a voluntary and non-profit basis. They invest time, effort, energy and money in them and their care. If you are an animal lover, surely on more than one occasion you have wondered how you could help these shelters.

To solve all your doubts we have decided to dedicate this article to explain what you can do if you want to help in one of these shelters.

How do these shelters work?

dogs in shelter

These shelters can find out about cases of abandoned animals thanks to the help of local residents. Usually they call or send an email to the protector warning about a missing or abandoned dog that has been found somewhere.

At that moment the shelter volunteers set out and go to look for the lost or abandoned animal. Then the neighbor is asked to help them put up some posters in the area where it was found to see if the owners appear.

Then, once in the shelter, the animal is given a veterinary examination to make sure that everything is correct and that the animal does not need special care.

However, the newly arrived animals will spend a period of between 12 to 18 days in which they will be separated from the other inhabitants of the shelter while they are vaccinated, dewormed and sterilized. This period also allows us to know the personality of the animal before risking letting it live with other beings, be they dogs or cats.

How you can help the shelters

There are different ways to help these centers and we are going to list them for you:

  • Notify when you see an abandoned animal. It does not matter if you have a necklace or not, because if you have it, it may be lost. Try to entertain him in some way to allow time for volunteers to arrive. If they ask for your help to hang up posters or put an ad in newspapers or radios, agree to lend a hand. This will ease their work and you will be doing a good job.
  • With food. There are many animals that live in these shelters and you have to feed them. Maybe you don’t like to donate money but you can help by buying bags of food for dogs or cats, being able to choose varieties according to age. That is, for puppies, adults, the elderly … In the shelters there are animals of all kinds so any variety will be welcome.

dog shelter

  • Money. These shelters need money for veterinary consultations, vaccines, food, toys, blankets, beds, feeders and a myriad of items that the animals need. Your money, no matter how small the contribution, can help a lot to these kind-hearted people who dedicate part of their lives to helping these wonderful beings. If you wish, you can accompany them with an animal to the vet or pet store and defray the expenses.
  • Time. Volunteering to help with your time and work in shelters is a great way to help out. The people who run this type of shelter do not receive any financial compensation for it, so they have to work. Perhaps your schedule is adaptable with theirs and you can stay with the animals during hours that they have professional tasks.
  • Company. Animals not only need financial help but also love and affection, especially if they have been abused or abandoned. Just going to visit them from time to time, play with them, pamper them and give them affection, you can even take them for a walk, it will be an excellent way to make the animals feel better and to unburden those who take care of them a little.
  • Adopt. This is the primary way to help. If you have the possibility of having an animal to which you want to offer love and affection, adopt it in one of these shelters. They will thank you and also the volunteers who run them.

Thank you for your intention and your help.

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