How To Teach The Dog To Fetch And Fetch

How to teach your dog the fetch and fetch exercise

Exercising with your dog when you take him for a walk will be a good technique for him to arrive exhausted and rest at night as well as letting you rest as well. There is nothing more annoying than a dog walking around the house all night and making noise. Today we are going to talk to you about a technique that will help your dog get tired. We will talk about how to teach your dog the fetch and fetch exercise.

In order to get your dog to master the fetch and fetch exercise, he must master 4 commands or commands:

  • Look for
  • Take
  • Bring
  • Release

Let’s see how to teach your dog to recognize each of these commands.

Search / catch

dance dog

These are two words that your dog will easily recognize, as they awaken his hunting instinct, something innate in it by his ancestors: wolves.

Just as a prey awakens its senses and therefore its interest, we must do some exercises so that your dog awakens his interest in the object that we are going to throw. We can play with it ourselves, show it to it, pass it through its snout or caress it with it. This will familiarize the animal and make it easier to teach the fetch and fetch exercise.

Once you’re familiar, we can start testing. It may be that at first the dog runs after the object, but when it reaches it, it turns around without catching it and without paying any attention to it. What can we do in this situation?

We will have to teach our animal that it is fun to play with the object, let’s say it is a ball. We can go for it and get it. Drop it to the ground in front of him and pick it up when the animal approaches. That will awaken the competitive side of the animal and it will want to catch the ball before you.


Once your dog has learned that he must catch the ball, the most difficult part comes: having him bring it to you. In order for you to learn this phase of the fetch and fetch exercise, it is essential that you already know how to obey the “Come” command. But even if your dog already knows how to obey this command, several problems can arise:

  • The dog catches the ball but drops it when he hears your call.
  • It brings it to you but invites you to chase it with it in your mouth.
  • He goes the other way with the ball in his mouth.

How to solve these problems and make your dog learn to fetch and fetch? Well, in the last two circumstances, never give in to the animal’s wishes . Do not run after him, he will take it as a game and he will not take your orders seriously. He must understand that he has to obey your call. Stand firm.

At the first hurdle, you won’t be able to do much to fix it yourself. The best thing is that you create a competition with the animal. They always want to win. So ask for the help of a family member or friend to compete with your pet and thus learn the most important step of fetch and fetch.

How? Very easy. You will have to throw the ball and make your friend or family member run at the same time as your dog after it. Surely the dog will arrive earlier and when he sees that your friend or family member wants to catch it, he will do it first. If not, your friend will. He will take it and bring it in your hand to give it to you in front of the dog. Praise your friend in front of your pet so that the animal sees that that was what you expected of him. Repeat this several times.


dog and exercise

Now comes the last step: let go. This step is the culmination of the seek and fetch exercise. Don’t try to be the one to make the animal release the ball by pulling it. You must teach your dog to obey.

You can bring your hand closer to the ball, making him see that what you want is for him to give it to you. If your dog already knows how to give the paw, it will quickly understand that gesture, if not, you will have to be patient to finish the game of fetch and fetch.

You can give him some food that he will value more than the ball and he will release it very quickly or maybe you can do it with his favorite toy. Be that as it may, we recommend that you always be patient and do not get angry or yell at him, or else the animal will associate it with something negative and will never want to try again.

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