How To Tell If A Dog Is Well Socialized

How to know if a dog is well socialized

Socialization is a very important part of the dog’s life. This process plays an essential role in the development of the personality, character and behavior of a dog. Even if we do our part, sometimes we can come to believe that our friend is not well socialized. Or simply that there is something we do not do well.

Due to the importance of the dog being well socialized, it is vital to be able to recognize when it is and when it is not. For this reason, we have believed it necessary to give you some tips that will help you to know it.

5 ways to tell if a dog is well socialized

When the dog is a puppy is when it should have begun its imprinting. This is a socialization process that will mark your personality and your course of behavior. A well socialized puppy will be an adult dog without problems of any kind.

The imprinting

you-your-puppy appeared

This is a socialization process that must be done in a puppy from birth. At birth, he has to be with his mother and siblings for at least two months. This will allow him to become a member of a family nucleus and make it easier for him to accept the hierarchy pyramid.

This will make the animal well socialized with other dogs and will not have adult problems when interacting with others of its species. How to know if a puppy has a good imprinting?

When you go to adopt a puppy, observing his behavior can help you determine whether or not he has a good imprinting. A puppy with good imprinting will not be afraid of you, it will come to you, play with you and other people.

A shy, skittish, or overly quiet puppy will not have a good imprinting. It will mean that he was taken away from his mother prematurely and that he will have problems in his maturity.

Adaptation to your human family

The normal thing is that gradually a dog gets used to his new home, to the food, his place to sleep, etc. However, if the dog shows problems doing it, it means that it is not well socialized.

You must be willing to adapt to different members of the family, whether they are adults, children or the elderly. Showing that interest in integrating denotes that the animal is well socialized.

Fits other people

A well socialized dog will not only get along with his family but with other people. Nobody likes that their dog is affectionate and loving with him but that he growls or even tries to bite other people. In addition to the unpleasantness of the situation, this could lead to problems for the owner.

A well socialized dog will be pleasant and friendly with all people regardless of whether he sees them a lot or a little.

Relates well with other animals

In the case of his relationship with other animals, a well socialized dog will get along with them regardless of whether they are dogs or of another species. It will not growl or try to bite but play and be part of a group, just as its genes demand.

A well socialized dog should have no problems living with other furry or with other animals. Although your dog gets along well with the family and with other people, if he has problems living with others, it is possible that he is presenting socialization problems.

Will not have separation anxiety

puppy, a new friend

Although our dogs do not want to separate from us and it is normal for them to cry a little when we go to work or for any other reason, when this leads to extreme behaviors such as compulsive barking, breaking objects in the house, scratching doors or other behaviors , indicates that there are problems with separation anxiety.

This is usually caused by problems when socializing, so it would be best to go to the vet to find out what he can recommend. If he does not believe that with some guidelines and even some medication the problem will diminish, it is likely that the presence of a psychologist or a behavioral specialist dog trainer is necessary.

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