How To Treat The Problem Of Smelly Gases In Dogs

How to treat the problem of smelly gases in dogs 

If suddenly an ugly smell spreads through the family home and everyone starts looking at each other looking for a culprit, the person responsible may also be your furry. But of course, as he takes it for the natural fact that it is, he does not feel ashamed as humans usually do and he expels the wind without complexes wherever he is. Today we tell you how to treat the problem of smelly gases in dogs.

Main causes of canine wind gusts

Keep in mind that the issue of flatulence in dogs can become serious if you do not try to solve it. It is that, in addition to the unpleasant smell, it is highly probable that the animal will suffer intestinal discomfort and, in extreme cases, a gastric torsion that can cause death.

The causes of smelly gas in dogs are varied. Between them:

Autor: Fernando Dall'Acqua
Author: Fernando Dall’Acqua
  • The type of diet you receive. Some foods can promote slow and heavy digestion, especially those with excess carbohydrates and fiber.
  • That the animal eats too quickly, which causes it to ingest a lot of air, leading to the accumulation of gases in its stomach. This situation usually occurs in homes where there is more than one dog. Then, fearing that his fellows will take away his portion, the dog rushes to eat it.
  • Some respiratory and liver pathologies and the presence of intestinal parasites.

Other reasons that cause smelly gas in dogs

Other reasons that can influence a dog to suffer gas can be :

  • The lifestyle he leads. Sedentary pets, which do not develop too much physical activity, have a tendency to suffer from wind. If the furry is going through a stressful situation, it is also possible that he has gas.
  • The age of the animal. For example, puppies have a greater tendency to suffer from gas, since they are very anxious when ingesting their food. And breathing difficulties in elderly dogs also favor the formation of flatulence.
  • Race. In the case of brachycephalic dogs – those with short muzzles, such as the Bulldog or the Pug – the bad bite they have causes them not to chew their food well, causing them to swallow more air.

    How to solve the issue of flatulence in dogs

    To prevent smelly gases in dogs, then, we must provide them with a good quality feed that helps facilitate digestion.

    For brachycephalic dogs there are also specific balanced, designed so that the animals are forced to chew for a longer time and thus absorb less air.

    But if you prefer to give your furry a homemade diet, consult your veterinarian or an animal nutrition specialist, so that they can inform you about how to provide a diet that does not promote the formation of flatulence.

    More options to prevent smelly gas in dogs

    We detail other measures you can take to help solve canine wind blows :

    • Special feeders to prevent the furry from eating their food too quickly.
    • If you have more than one furry, feed them separately. Eating alone will relieve anxieties and they will eat their food more slowly.
    • He distributes his daily ration in several doses.
    • Increase your physical activity with more frequent or longer walks, or with more games.

    What to do if the problem of canine wind gusts persists


    If in any case the flatulence persists and even increases in intensity and you notice that the animal has abdominal discomfort or pain, it is likely that the cause is in some food intolerance or in some disease that will have to be determined.

    In these circumstances, do not delay in giving intervention to the veterinarian to avoid major inconveniences in the health of your furry. The professional will look for the reasons that originate the problem and will indicate the appropriate treatments according to the diagnosis.

    In any case, remember not to scold your four-legged friend if he expels gas, no matter how smelly.

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