How Your Dog Sleeps

How your dog sleeps

Like people, animals also show their personality, their character and even their dreams with the positions they adopt when sleeping. In this article we will tell you about the different ways that a pet adopts at rest. Depending on how your dog sleeps, this is his way of being.

How much should a dog sleep

It is a very common question that veterinarians receive. It all depends, of course, on age, size and daily activities. Perhaps we believe that our pet “spends all day sleeping” and it really is.

Puppies need about 20 hours of sleep a day to grow and develop. In the case of adults, the smallest breeds sleep between 15 and 16 hours and the large ones between 16 and 18 hours. The furry old men still spend more time resting and probably only stay awake an hour or two a day.

How your dog sleeps defines his personality

Our pets can resemble us in many ways … even in the way they express feelings or character through sleep. Perhaps the way he rests at night or during the day catches your attention. Each of these postures indicate a particular situation. See what it means how your dog sleeps :

1. Sleeping on your side

Whether on the floor, on the carpet or in bed, the side position is the calmest and most relaxed of all. The legs are straight, the ears rest gently, and the head is slightly up. If your dog sleeps on his side, it means that he is very comfortable and confident. It is a common position in those happy, loyal and carefree furry … who love to sleep!

2. Curled up

One of the most common ways of sleeping for dogs, especially at night or in winter. The head rests on top of the legs and the body is bent towards the center. When the animal chooses this option, it is because it wants to conserve its body heat. As for the personality, it means that you are facing a very sweet, docile and easy to treat pet. Perfect to fill you with kisses!

3. Stretched

With the belly down, rear legs fully extended and front also (with the head in the middle). It uses all the space in your bed and more too. It is the position chosen by the puppies or by the furry ones when they are more than happy. In addition, it is a sign of motivation and energy, that is, everything that animals have at an early age.

4. Legs “open”

This posture that dogs adopt when sleeping is really fun. Some popular beliefs indicate that in this way the animal is “asking for rain.” With their back and head resting on the floor or carpet, they carry their back legs “open” and the front legs above their chest.

Although it may seem strange to us, it is very comfortable for them and it means that they feel confident and safe. Therefore be happy for your furry as it will be resting without problems, relaxed and at ease.

5. Belly down

Unlike the position with the legs stretched out, in this case the limbs are semi-flexed to the sides of the body. Rest your head on your side. They are not very relaxed yet, as it is a sign that they are going through the pre-deep sleep phase. The most adventurous and energetic breeds or specimens, as well as the shy and sweet ones, often adopt this way of sleeping.

6. Legs up

Also known as “the passed out”, it is often chosen by dogs when they are very tired or have just exercised (or gone for a walk). They lie on their back, support their head, raise their hind legs (stretched out) and place the front legs on the belly. The goal of this option is to cool down as quickly as possible. In this way the furry feels happy, relaxed and safe. Plus, you have the ability to adapt to new situations in no time. This is how your dog sleeps with an alert touch.

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