Meet The Bengal Cat Or Bengali Cat

Meet the Bengal cat or Bengali cat

A miniature leopard but docile, sociable and playful: this is the Bengal cat . These magnificent animals dazzle with their wild beauty, great intelligence and strong personality.

Slender, elegant and athletic, they are kittens that claim and give affection alike.

They live well with other pets  and, although they adapt to all types of environments, the ideal is that they have an outdoor space where they can exercise.

How the breed came about

cat box

The Bengali originated in the United States of North America in the 1960s, as a result of crossing domestic felines with specimens of Asian leopard cats ( Felis Bengalensis ), taking advantage of genetics compatible with these wild animals.

The result was a kitten with the appearance of the wild cats of Asia, but with the way of being of a house cat.

Breeds such as Ocicat , Abyssinian , Bombay , British Shorthair and, above all, Egyptian Mau , were used for the first crosses , due to their fewer recessive genes.

In the final years a great quality in patterns, designs and rosettes was obtained  from the Bengal cat . For this reason, the cross with Felis Bengalensis is no longer necessary .

Physical characteristics of the Bengal cat

We tell you the main physical features of these kittens:

  • Size : Medium to large. Females weigh between 3 and 5 kilograms. Males can reach up to 9 kilos.
  • Head : Longer than wide, round in appearance and slightly small in size in relation to the body. With a black spot that forms a letter M.
  • Jaws : Strong and wide.
  • Ears : Small to medium in size, short and wide, with rounded tips.
  • Eyes : Large and oval, sometimes somewhat almond-shaped. Well separated from each other. Greenish yellow and, to a lesser extent, blue.
  • Nose : Broad and long, brick-colored and surrounded by a black line.
  • Neck : Thick and muscular. It is large compared to the head and long in relation to the body.
  • Shoulders : Muscular and elastic. They give the cat the appearance of a predator when walking.
  • Body : Long, solid, strong. Very muscular.
  • Legs : Thick and strong bones, very muscular and of medium length. The rear ones are longer than the front ones and have a special strength that allows them to jump like gazelles.
  • Feet : Large, round and with always black pads.
  • Tail : Thick, of medium length; progressively tapers towards the tip, which is rounded and always black.
  • Coat:  Short, dense, bushy and of a particularly soft texture. The base color can be in yellow, beige, gray, gold or orange tones. The spots are black or brown or with various shades of chocolate or cinnamon. The belly is pale in color, with dark spots, as is its chest and crotch.

How to care for a Bengal cat

tree cat

Like other short-haired kittens, the Bengali does not require special care and personal grooming will suffice to keep its fur in good condition.

You can also brush it from time to time, especially to prevent dead hair from accumulating.

You will probably need to clean their ears frequently, as they produce more wax than other cats. It is also normal for your chin to have dark fat secretions.

They are animals that do not present great health problems. Anyway, don’t forget to take him to the vet for regular checkups, deworm him and have his vaccination record up to date.

Very rarely there can be specific pictures of emotional instability or aggressiveness, due to their wildest primary genes.

Other characteristics of Bengali

Curious and active, they are not afraid to get wet, and some even take a bath if the occasion arises. Others are content to splash around in waterers. This peculiar custom comes from the Felis Bengalensis – one of the races that gave rise to them – who are great swimmers and fishermen and live on the banks of rivers.

Also, these beautiful animals can sometimes remind us of dogs :

  • They learn tricks.
  • They get used to you walking them on a leash.
  • They look for you throughout the house demanding your attention.
  • They wait for you behind the door when they warn you are coming home.
  • They bring you the objects that you throw at them.

So, if you are willing to follow the train, choose a Bengali as a pet. You will surely not be disappointed.

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