Meet The Games For Intelligent Dogs

Meet the games for intelligent dogs

They say that dogs enter the cleverest animal guild there is. But, as in people, they need activities that enhance their intelligence . There are little things in their daily life that help you do that, but smart dogs need something more to motivate them. Therefore, in this post we are going to talk to you about several useful techniques that will help promote the canine intelligence of your pet.

To what extent do intelligent dogs understand?

agility dog

Although they do not speak, since that is a skill that only humans possess, intelligent dogs reach such a point that they are capable of understanding at least 165 words and also some of our gestures. This is worth noting since neither of them is part of their regular language, rather it is something unknown to them.

A member of the American Psychological Association said that “dogs are also capable of understanding some simple mathematics as well as solving little problems related to numbers.” Isn’t that amazing?

Now, your dog also has this ability so it is your duty to encourage it so that it becomes part of the intelligent dogs. The question is: how to do it?

Games for smart dogs

On this occasion we are going to talk to you about several easy games to do, some even at home, that will help your dog to be one of those intelligent dogs, or rather, with developed intellectual capacity.

  1. Hold me! Your pet will love to play this. It is very easy and you can do it at home. You only need a long stick on which you will tie at one end a rope about half a meter long, on which a teddy will have tied. Hide behind a wall or a curtain and put the stuffed toy stick on the ground in full view of your furry friend. Move it around a bit to get her attention and when she comes to get it, avoid picking it up. The animal will find new ways to get hold of it and will make its brain work.
  2. What do you hear? This game consists of the furry one relating a noise with a caress. Before stroking it, you should make a noise so that the animal, after several attempts, as it is not easy, can recognize from which side the stroke is coming and instinctively act against (in the form of a game) or in favor of it.
  3.  The canine hideout. Don’t think that your dog will have the ability to hide until you find him, at least not yet. This game consists of hiding food in various places in the house, something appetizing and fragrant for them. On the way in which you have hidden the different parts of food, you will have to put several obstacles that the dog will have to overcome such as boxes, shoes, buckets, etc. There is only one rule if you want your dog to be one of the smart dogs: don’t make it easy for him.
  4.  Sit down! Although it seems something easy to teach because many dogs know how to do it, it is not so easy. But a dog that learns to sit has learned to identify gestures, understand words and relate gestures. How is it done?

pet dog

Keep your eyes on your pet and tell him the word you will use to make him feel when you say it. It is usually easier to use the English word “sit” since they have an easier time understanding monosyllable words. While you say it to him, touch his bottom, pressing gently so that he understands that the sound “sit” is related to doing something with that part of his body.

These games will help you to promote your dog’s intelligence and to strengthen your ties and your bond with him yourself. But as for everything that has to do with the education of intelligent dogs, it is necessary: ​​love, perseverance and patience. Cheer up!

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