Older Dogs And Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

Older Dogs and Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

They say that there is nothing sadder than getting old. And it is that unfortunately, everything ages: us, things and our pets too. Seeing how our dog is wasting away is not pleasant at all, but being well informed about the problems they may suffer is important to be able to help them alleviate problems such as Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.

So, today we will talk about the aforementioned Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in older dogs.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, what is it?

This disorder is more common in older or middle-aged dogs. According to studies, it appears to be caused by changes in nervous tissue due to cellular aging that occurs over the years.

The nervous tissue of dogs is extremely sensitive to free radicals and these cause the neurons that are in charge of the most important jobs to age and even die. The brain cannot create new neurons to replace damaged ones, so the aging process is created.

Due to all these changes in the brain and the lack of neurons, the animal begins to have changes in its behavior that hinder a quality life, as well as the ability to interact with other dogs or even with their owners.


To know if your dog may be suffering from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, it is important that you know the symptoms. Are these:

  • Disorientation. A dog with this syndrome will wander around the house tripping over everything, as if it does not know the place, and it may also be difficult to recognize family members, neighbors or friends. In the street, even though it is a territory through which he always goes out and knows, the disorientation will be even greater. One of the most recognizable signs occurs when they hide under an armchair or table and are not able to get out of there.
  • Decrease interaction with other animals or people. If your dog has always been sociable and now seems not to want to do anything, not even with you, it is a clear sign that he is suffering from this disorder. He may show disinterest in petting and will not seek your attention as he once did.
  • Sleep disturbances. If they sleep a lot during the day and little at night, or they sleep little or too much all day, it is a sign that something is wrong and possibly it is Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.
  • Hygienic habits. Starting to pee around the house or defecating when they have never done it before or not asking to go outside when they need to, is because something is wrong with their nervous system.
  • Barking for no apparent reason, especially at night.
  • Slow to obey orders that were once simple for him.
  • They can no longer do those things they had learned, such as sitting or not eating off the floor, etc …
  • They feel confused when they have to do things that are routine, such as going to eat or sleep.
  • Standing with lost gaze and without moving is a clear sign of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.



Although this is a degenerative disease and there is not much that can be done to cure it, it will improve with certain care. Treatment could help your pet have a better quality of life if he suffers from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.

  • Nicergoline. It is a cerebral dilator vessel that can increase the comitive functions of your pet.
  • Selegiline. Reduces the deterioration of dopamine.

    In addition, it can be alternated with natural products that can combat the effects of free radicals. These are:

    • Vitamin C and E
    • Selenium
    • Coenzyme Q10
    • Alpha lipoic acid
    • Grapeseed
    • L-Carnitine
    • Omega 3
    • Phosphaltidylserine

    Obviously, just because these substances help, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to take your dog to the vet.

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