Prepare Your Dog For Summer

Hydration, haircut or deworming are some of the factors to take into account during the summer season to ensure the well-being of the pet.
Prepare your dog for summer

Preparing your dog for the summer is key so that it does not suffer from the heat, your absences and the constant trips and outings, among other aspects associated with the sun and holidays.

Although summer is an ideal season to enjoy to the fullest, it is also true that for pets it can be an uncomfortable or even overwhelming time. Therefore, it is important to take the necessary measures to enjoy the company of man’s best friend, also in this season.

Why should the dog be groomed for summer?

As we can see, there are special summer issues for our pet. This is the case of the weather, our vacation trips or the constant exits and entries. All this can be a problem for the animal, since it changes the routine that it has during the rest of the year.

What measures are necessary so that the dog or any other pet does not suffer in summer? There are some good habits that will help, like haircuts, proper hydration, and deworming.

Preparing your dog for summer


Without a doubt, hydration is one of the most important aspects to take into account for the health of your dog for the summer. In fact, if humans suffer from high temperatures, dogs do much more, since they are considerably more sensitive to heat.

Portable waterers are sold in specialty animal supply stores. With these devices, dogs can drink water at any time, even when they are away from home. In this way, you can have all the necessary hydration during the hottest season of the year.

Hair cuts and treatments

It is advisable to take the dog to a dog groomer when the summer begins. On many occasions the animal will require a haircut, but it should be noted that not all breeds need a cut. In many cases it will be enough to remove all the dead hair that may have accumulated during the months before the summer.

Cutting your dog's hair at home

Where to leave the dogs during a trip?

One of the biggest problems that pet owners have is where or with whom to leave the animal during summer trips. For this, there are several options. The first is to leave the animal with a trusted person ; in this case, it is essential that the animal knows that person, to avoid stress and distress.

The second option is to leave the pet in a kennel or dog hotel. It is important to be careful with this option, as there are some residences that do not offer adequate care for pets.

The most advisable thing is to make a visit before the residence or the hotel; This way we make sure that the establishment has the necessary hygiene and space conditions for the care of the animals.

Traveling with pets

Sometimes travel can stress dogs. For example, some dogs get dizzy when riding in the car. If we have decided that our friends accompany us, we must plan the trip in advance and ask the veterinarian what measures to take in these cases.

Traveling with the pet

It is also advisable to accustom the dog to getting into the car in advance, and accustom it to traveling in the transport cage or carrier. It is best to start short distances and make small trips more and more frequent. That way, when the time comes for a longer trip, the animal will be calmer.

Canine health

During the summer, the dog will go out much more of the home and will have more contact with other animals. Therefore, it  is important to deworm it correctly and prevent the risk of infection.

Bathe and swim

It is important not to force the dog into the sea or the pool. Some breeds of dogs greatly enjoy swimming, but others do not. If the animal is afraid, it should not be forced to enter the water, since this experience can mark it for its entire life. It is also important that, after bathing, the hair is properly treated.

With a few small changes it is possible to prepare your dog for the summer. In this way, the animal will be able to enjoy a hot season much more in the company of its human family. And you can have fun while their owners are calm, thanks to the measures taken in advance.

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