Restore The Intestinal Balance Of My Dog ​​or Cat

To restore the bacterial flora we can help ourselves with probiotics

In the intestine live a series of beneficial microorganisms for a proper functioning of the digestive system. These microorganisms are present in a specific quantity and proportion.

If these parameters are affected, diarrhea, poor digestion, vomiting … Today in My Animals you will learn the importance of bacterial flora in dogs and cats, as well as how to restore it when its balance is affected.

Why is bacterial flora important?

To restore intestinal balance we must return the bacterial flora to its normal state. The flora contributes to the functioning of the organism in the tasks of:

  • Nutrient absorption and metabolism. It recovers nutrients from food that the animal is not able to digest, such as short chain fatty acids. It also synthesizes vitamins of group B and vitamin K. In addition, it favors the absorption of ions such as calcium and produces other substances useful in regulating metabolism.
  • Protection.  The bacterial flora acts as a barrier against pathogenic microorganisms. It also prevents the overgrowth of other microbial species that could harm the body. Your balance can be affected by certain antibiotics.
  • Bowel maintenance.  Some bacterial strains help the proliferation and differentiation of intestinal tissue.
  • Immune system. Cells of the immune system mature in the digestive tract. Defensive cells in the intestinal mucosa are exposed to antigens. This phenomenon is related to food intolerances.

What bacteria make up the bacterial flora?

The bacterial flora is acquired after birth. The largest number of bacteria is found in the small intestine.  Breastfeeding plays an important role in the acquisition of flora and antibodies.

In animals, the first bacteria to colonize the digestive system are those of the genera Escherichia and Lactobacillus. With the passage of time, a balanced ecosystem of different species, such as  Bifidobacterium, is established.

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium generate lactic acid. This substance alters the digestive pH, which is harmful to many pathogenic bacteria. In this way, a protective environment is created.

They are also capable of creating inhibitory substances for pathogens such as Enterobacteriaceae. Thus, they maintain a balance in the bacterial population. In fact, these bacteria are considered probiotics.

What is a probiotic?

A probiotic is a microorganism must be:

  • Normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract.
  • Not be pathogenic, nor toxic.
  • Have a short breeding period.
  • Be stable in contact with gastric juices, bile, enzyme and oxygen.
  • Being able to adhere to the intestinal mucosa.
  • Show potential to colonize the digestive system.
  • Produce beneficial microbial substances.

There are natural foods that contain these live bacteria. Check with your vet to find out what foods would be good for your pet. You can also buy freeze-dried probiotics for pets.

And the prebiotics?

Prebiotics are oligosaccharides found in food. They favor the growth of certain species of beneficial bacteria, mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In feed for dogs and cats you can see them as FOS, MOS, the acronym for the oligosaccharides that form them. Prebiotics are found naturally in many foods. Garlic, beets and chicory are some of them.

Taking probiotics to restore intestinal balance?

Yes, if your dog or cat has recently suffered some alteration that has affected the digestive system, such as vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal stools, taking antibiotics … It is likely that the vet will recommend some type of supplement. These supplements to restore the bacterial flora in dogs and cats are marketed as powders to add to food.

The bacterial flora is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. An imbalance in bacteria populations can cause poor digestion, vomiting or diarrhea.

Restoring the intestinal balance of dogs and cats with probiotics can be a great help to regain the health of our friend. A good diet with a composition rich and varied in nutrients will also provide the adequate substrate for the bacterial flora, something essential for our pet to stay healthy.

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