Selfie, How To Get The Best With Our Dog

Selfie, how to get the best with our dog

Taking a selfie with our dog can become quite an odyssey. Many do not like photos and others are simply so restless that there is no way to get one with it. Others feel an intense desire to lick us every time they see a camera or mobile ready to shoot.

Is there a way to take a selfie with our dog and revolutionize our social networks? Yes there is, and we are going to tell you about it.

How to take a good selfie with your dog?

dog photo

This is a question that all of us who have pets ask ourselves on more than one occasion. Jason Hernández, who has a company called Clever Dog Products, was already tired of wondering the same thing and that’s why he decided to create a unique and innovative system that will allow you to take the best selfies with your pet.

Thinking about it a lot, Jason asked himself an interesting question: what is it that distracts my pet the most? A ball! That is, a ball is the best thing to keep our dog entertained to be able to take a selfie.

That is why Jason invented Pooch Dog, an ingenious invention that allows you to attach a ball to your cell phone no matter what brand it is. It clips onto the top of the phone without hurting the phone and is capable of holding a tennis ball.

When your dog sees your mobile with a ball, he will not be able to look away from it and you will have the coolest selfie you could ever imagine. Although be careful because there is another thing that can happen, that your dog pounces and you lose your mobile.

Although if you are not a lover of selfies and prefer to simply make a good report of your pet, things may also get complicated.

How to take a good photo of your pet?

If you go from the selfie and you just want to take a good photo of your dog, we have several tips to offer you. Take note and put them into practice, they sure work!

  • No flash. This is the number one rule when photographing your pet. Dogs will not understand what is that bright light that wants to blind them and they will most likely run away. Although on second thought, that may also allow you to take a fun photo. Being serious, never use the flash.
  • Focus on the eyes. Dogs have no facial expression, so most of their expressions come from their eyes. Keeping them in focus will help you get great photos of your pet.
  • Get down. A photo taken from above will not be as beautiful as if you take it from below, at its height. This way you will have a more realistic image and the dog will feel more comfortable.
  • Find a good background. The background will undoubtedly mark the quality and value of the photo. Look for background colors that stand out from your dog’s color. You can blur it if you want to give prominence to your pet.
  • Choose your goal well. It is best to choose the brightest lens you can, as this will allow you to take a photo of excellent quality.
  • Choose the moment. Let’s face it, it is impossible to make a dog pose. You can’t put it in position and wait for it to not move until you want to take the photo. Therefore, let the animal become familiar with your camera, see you all the time so that it does not seem strange.
  • Seek advice from others. If you want to take photos of your pets that stand out, that are more than just a portrait, look online for clever, daring and original photos that you can copy. You can also see tips that others will give you on how to make the dog stay still to throw ka fiti.

    As you can see, it is not impossible to take a fantastic photo or selfie with your pet. Follow our advice and you will see how you revolutionize social networks.

    Source of the main image:

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