Swimming For Dogs: Everything You Need To Know

Swimming for dogs is a very complete exercise to strengthen the muscles without impact on bones and joints.
Swimming for dogs: everything you need to know

Swimming is a very complete sport for people and dogs: it has both sporting and therapeutic purposes for dogs, it is a good exercise in the hottest months and it is very effective in rehabilitation therapies.

Swimming has many benefits for your pet, but you should keep in mind that not all dogs are willing to get into the water on their own initiative. This should be a progressive process to avoid that the animal ends up associating it with a bad experience. Here are some benefits of this activity.

Benefits of swimming for dogs

1 lose weight

Like any other physical activity, swimming can help your dog lose weight, but also, thanks to the buoyancy of living things in the water, there is no impact on his osteoarticular system. The bones and joints do not support the weight of the animal as occurs with exercise on land, freeing them from possible tensions or excessive efforts.

2. Increases muscle tone

Water resists more than air, forcing the animal to use more force with its muscles to perform the same movement. This increases muscle tone. For this reason, intense swimming is one of the five global exercises that produces the most energy expenditure and general musculature.

3. Improves the respiratory and cardiovascular system

Swimming for dogs practiced at a low or moderate intensity is a good aerobic exercise for the animal, which over time will improve its respiratory and cardiovascular capacity. A continuous effort strengthens the lung capacity of living beings, and teaches them to control respiratory rhythms effectively.

4. Has therapeutic effects

Swimming is recommended to alleviate the effects of some musculoskeletal diseases or for post-surgical recovery from multiple pathologies:

  • Arthritis
  • Paralysis
  • Muscle degeneration
  • Cruciate ligament tear
  • Hip dysplasia

Dog swimming

What is hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy consists of the treatment through exercises or passive, assisted or active movements with the animal submerged in water:

  • In passive movements, the therapist performs them, who can also help the animal in its locomotion or create some resistance to strengthen its muscles.
  • In active movements, it is the dog itself that performs them.

Hydrotherapy exercises are performed in a special bathtub, which is gradually filled with water. The flow and quantity of water are regulated according to the needs of the patient. They can also have an underwater strap to facilitate the movement of the animal.

In addition, the water temperature can be regulated in some bathtubs, and others even release jets of air or water, so the benefits of thermotherapy and hydromassage could be added to the exercise performed in them, other techniques used in rehabilitation for dogs. .

Swimming accessories for dogs

Swimming as a sport for dogs can be done both in pools and in natural water bodies, if you have the opportunity to go to a lake where bathing is allowed or a nearby beach (always complying with local regulations). The pet must be supervised at all times and you can buy an accessory that facilitates swimming, such as life jackets for dogs.

Swimming for dogs has many benefits and some love it: it is a good time to have fun and improve the bond with the animal. Remember that if at first it seems to be scared of the water, you should get used to it progressively and always using positive reinforcement until the dog decides to enter and remain in it.

Finally, it is important that you bear in mind that this type of activity is not always recommended. Consult with your veterinarian if your animal suffers from any pathology for which swimming or hydrotherapy is contraindicated.

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