The 5 Best Toys For Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are energetic and curious animals, so keeping them active and happy is one of your most important care. Although hedgehog toys are not easy to find, you can make them yourself.
The 5 best toys for hedgehogs

Knowing the needs of this mammal is essential to give it a happy life. Hedgehog toys play an essential role in this task.

The importance of toys for hedgehogs

It is essential that this has toys to entertain when you are busy or away from home

Hedgehog toys are essential.

Before choosing toys, keep the following points in mind

  1. Objects with dangling strings will injure your legs if they get caught, and cedar chips – or any splinter with oil from wood – can cause harmful reactions.
  2. Another important factor in choosing the perfect object is color, as hedgehogs love brightly colored toys.
  3. It is essential that the material of the objects allows the hedgehogs to move them in their cage – especially at night – or around the house, since they like very much to interact and modify their environment.

Hedgehog toy ideas

The fundamental thing is that the object is safe, appropriate and provides the animal with an enriching experience

  • Exercise wheels or discs: Your hedgehog will enjoy running on his wheel and getting a little exercise, but make sure it is made of solid material and not cables, as these can hurt his legs. In addition, it should be noted that not everyone gets used to these toys.
  • Mazes: Hedgehogs love mazes and you can easily make them with PVC or cardboard, but be careful that the size is large enough so that the animal does not get stuck. Also, you can make the mazes much more fun if you hide treats for hedgehogs in them. 
  • Tunnels – These give pets a dark space where they can hide, helping them to be stress-free. Plus, it encourages them to exercise and explore.
  • Toy dump trucks – Some hedgehogs love dump trucks, because they can push them around and even ride them. 
  • Candy balls : these are balls that have a small opening where you can put treats suitable for the animal. While the ball rolls, the treats are left out, so your hedgehog will receive a prize for his curiosity and physical activity. 

some toys designed for cats may work for hedgehogs,

An African hedgehog on a white background.

As you may have seen, hedgehogs need abundant environmental enrichment to be healthy. They are very active and curious mammals, so the lack of stimuli could cause them stress and depression. Don’t deprive your hedgehog of fun, as this can lead to long-term physiological failure.

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