The Cause Of Aggressiveness Is Not In The Dog

The cause of aggressiveness is not in the dog

They say there are bad or dangerous pets … However, the “fault” is not the genetics or the personality of the animal, but in many cases the owners and their upbringing. In this article we will tell you why the cause of aggression is not in the dog.

Aggression and dogs

Seeing a dog showing its teeth and barking very nervous is one of the consequences of being aggressive. This behavior can lead to many problems, not only for the animal, but also for those around it.

It is often said that this or that race is “aggressive”, however, that is debatable. Not because an animal belongs to a particular breed does it mean that it will attack or bite. Aggression in dogs is behavior directed at another being for the purpose of defense or attack. It can also be provoked as a show of domination or fear.

Why does aggression develop in the dog?

There are many factors that can influence a dog to be aggressive. Several of these have animal origin, but others are due to relationships with humans. The main causes of aggressiveness in dogs are:

1. Health problems

If the animal feels pain and is not healthy, it can develop aggressive behaviors. It is more common if you have skin problems or a break in a bone, if it is injured or weakened. Unable to recognize that these symptoms come from their physical condition, they consider that those around them are hurting them. This behavior is normal in stray dogs that have been abused.

If your pet begins to be more aggressive for no apparent reason, we recommend that you take him to the vet so that he can evaluate if he suffers from any disease or pathology.

2. Lack of socialization

It is essential that a puppy between 3 and 12 weeks of age has contact with other animals to begin the socialization process. This stage involves not only meeting dogs, but also people outside their family environment.

A social canine is healthier, more balanced, and less aggressive. On the other hand, if you have never walked in the park, if you have not met more dogs or if you are only close to the same people, it is more common for fear, stress and nerves to make you aggressive. Therefore, it is essential to socialize it from the early stages.

3. Bad education

If the dog is not taught properly and limits are not set, it will probably be aggressive towards any being that wants to “stand up”, be it the owner through an order or another animal when they play or coexist. Bad manners can also be made up of an excess of pampering, treating him like a person and not teaching him properly.

On the other hand, excessive punishment, excessive yelling and hitting can exacerbate the dog’s aggressiveness. Always have him tied up, do not give food, challenge him for anything … They are all habits that modify the personality of the animal.

4. Maternity

Females are likely to go through a stage of aggression during parturition and the first days of their young. You will not allow anyone (who creates mistrust) to touch or approach your babies. This behavior is instinctive and at all times seeks to protect the puppies.

5. Territoriality

Some dogs can be aggressive when they see that their leadership or control of the territory is compromised. If an intruder invades your space or takes an object that is yours, it will respond with grunts and barks. It is important to avoid this if we want to bring another pet home or if we are expecting a baby.

In relation to this, we can also name the possessiveness that some dogs develop either from an object, a person or another animal. If he has a toy and we want to take it away, he will defend it with claws and teeth. If we want to get closer to your children or your dogs “in custody” (in the case of alpha males), you can also act that way.

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