The Collar In Cats

Felines are animals of habit that cling to their routine quite vehemently; the use of the collar is a new proposal and your cat will need to adapt
The collar in cats

Is the use of a collar in cats recommended or not? This is one of the most frequent discussions among specialists and owners of domestic felines. Therefore, today we summarize the positive and negative aspects of this accessory for the well-being of your pet.

The use of collar in cats: recommended situations

Some doors have a sensor that is activated by detecting a device installed in the jack’s collar. The so-called ‘smart cat doors’ trigger their own opening from this magnetic recognition mechanism.

In these cases, the use of a collar in cats can be positive, as it provides greater autonomy to the animal. The feline can access the outside of the house in the absence of its owners.

The use of cat doors is also efficient to free the feline. However, they do not have the added value of providing greater security to the home and family.

Other times, the use of the collar in cats favors their visible identification ; subcutaneous chips require magnetic readers, rare in many cities.

It is a method widely used in felines that have free access to the outside of the home. In case of loss, the identification collar allows quick contact with owners, but does not replace the efficiency of the microchip.

Adaptation to the use of collar

Felines are animals of habit that cling to their routine quite vehemently. The use of the collar is a new proposal and your cat will need to adapt.

Each animal has its own adaptation time and we know that cats do not do anything against their own will. Therefore, it is important to arm yourself with patience to respect the times of our best friend.

The ideal is to teach him to behave with the collar on from the first months of life, when his character is more flexible. They should not be forced or used violence in the adaptation process.

Collar in cats: its use as a method against fleas

Wearing a collar on cats can also be a way to prevent and combat flea infestations. Some experts say that it is not a highly recommended deworming method, as these collars are unable to distribute the insecticide it contains throughout the animal’s body, which makes them ineffective.

Cat with fleas

In addition, the products of its formula can cause allergies, irritations and hair loss. In more serious cases, the insecticide can penetrate the animal’s body, causing vomiting and diarrhea in the feline.

The safest and most effective preventive method against ectoparasites is the periodic application of pipettes or similar products.

Tips for choosing the ideal collar for your cat

It is essential to choose the most suitable model for the domestic feline. The most important thing is to stick to how and what each necklace is made with.

The seams must be well done, so as not to cause allergies or injuries to the animal’s skin. The manufacturing material must be of good quality and preferably hypoallergenic.

Flexible models with an elastic composition are usually safer, mainly for cats that go outside. This allows the animal to free itself from the collar without damaging its neck by being trapped or hooked.

Collar in cats: the danger of bells and bells

The use of a collar in cats is usually more comfortable when the placement of bells or bells is avoided. Many cats are really annoyed and nervous with the noise of these objects.

Cat with bell

In addition, it is investigated that continuous exposure to noise emitted by these devices can cause hearing problems. Although this relationship is not proven, cats are known to have very sensitive hearing.  And it never hurts to take care of it.

Some owners defend the use of bells to scare away birds and small animals, which prevents the feline from killing them. But the effectiveness of this measure is currently highly debated.

Many cats develop new hunting techniques to quietly surprise prey, even with the use of the collar. Others are responsible for pulling the bell from the collar, risking injury in the attempt.

If the aesthetic aspects of wearing a collar on cats seem attractive to you, we recommend choosing it with caution. The well-being of our pets must always come first.

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