The Gestation Of A Dog Step By Step

Gestation of a dog step by step

There are many, many things in which people and dogs are alike, but the gestation period of a dog is a bit different. This was not something I had thought about before, but it is interesting to have more information about our dog friends. Do you immerse yourself with us in this world of curiosities?

Be it an animal or a person, the gestation period is one of the most beautiful that exists, it is the materialization of the miracle of life. Therefore, human or canine, it is always a delight to talk about it, as it is still amazing.

The gestation process of a dog

ultrasound bitch

The gestation period lasts approximately 65 days with a small margin of error. Let’s see what phases it has.

From the first to the third week

1,2,3 and … let’s run! They all run, reach their maximum speed, but only one manages to survive and reach the goal. At the moment that this happens, when the sperm fertilizes the egg, a lot of cells begin to divide and join together to begin to form the new body of the puppy. The miracle of life and the gestation of a dog, or rather a bitch, begins.

But wait, another runner reaches the finish … and another, and another. Amazing! The number of puppies will be different in each breed and also in each individual dog. It can go up to a whopping 8.

At the end of this 3-week period, you will have your first ultrasound in which you will be able to differentiate various parts of the new little body.

From the fourth to the sixth week

This is one of the most important moments in the gestation period of a dog, since the most important parts begin to form: the bones, muscles and spinal cord as well as all the vital organs of the animal.

That is why extreme care should be taken and visits to the vet should be increased if necessary.

It is this moment also when the heart lets hear its first beats (around the thirtieth day). Isn’t it wonderful and incredible that in just 30 days a heart can beat for the first time?

From the seventh to the ninth

The puppies are practically formed and absorb everything they need from their mother’s placenta. They are already developed and are basically “making time” to gain a little weight and be born healthy and strong. This is the last phase of the gestation process of a dog and it will also be the phase in which the details will be finalized.

It will be possible to know by means of an ultrasound how many puppies are coming. It will happen more or less on the 55th day. This will favor the time of delivery, since if they do not know it, someone could remain inside and cause complications for both him and his mother.

And the time has come: the end of a dog’s gestation

Autor: barbievoltios
Author: barbievoltios

At last that long awaited day arrived. You can’t wait any longer to see your new little friends. You are looking forward to helping your mother take care of them and have them on your lap. Well, it  is necessary that you prepare everything so that the mother has a smooth delivery.

You should choose a warm and very quiet place where the dog feels comfortable, safe and at peace. We understand that it may be the first time that you and your family have seen a birth, but it is recommended that there be as few people as possible around. This would only make the mother-to-be nervous and complicate things.

Once the puppies are out of what has been their home for their entire lives, you should put the mother and the babies in a box that you have cut in front of before so that the puppies can get in and out easily.

Do not let anyone get close to the puppies, as the mother could even become aggressive. Bring them to the mother when they need it and make sure that everyone eats as much as they need. If someone doesn’t, you can feed them baby milk through a syringe. Remember that their mother is dependent on you, and therefore, so are they.

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