The Overwhelming Psychology And Intelligence Of Cats

The overwhelming psychology and intelligence of cats

Cats are one of the most desired species as pets. However, few owners know much about the psychology and intelligence of cats.


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Cats are very independent animals, they need their own space and do not demand constant attention. Unlike dogs, who see the owner as the head of the pack, cats see their owners as their mother and only approach when they need something or want food or pampering.

They are extremely curious animals with great physical dexterity and bodily ability, so they can sneak through almost any hole. Also, as with humans, cats have different personalities and although each cat is different, their personalities can be classified.

One of the personalities developed by cats is shyness. Shy cats keep their distances from humans and when they are newly adopted they retreat to a corner to observe everything from there. That is why it is convenient that the first contacts with humans are cautious and from there that the cat is allowed to approach when he wants.

Keep in mind that these cats are often nervous and skittish, so try not to make loud noises or sudden movements. Another possibility is that the cat is outgoing. Extroverted cats are not afraid of anything, they are active, curious and allow themselves to be caressed. They should also be allowed to approach voluntarily, but they are playful with children and will not hesitate to take refuge in your arms.

Of course, they still do not like anything that they pull their tails or wake them up from their naps. Calm cats are balanced and get along well with other cats. They take everything calmly and calmly and are very good travel companions because they can spend hours quietly in their basket without meowing. These types of cats do not suffer from stress because they do not let things affect them.

And finally, cats can develop whimsical personalities. Wayward cats are sensitive and touchy. They get angry right away and the worst thing is that this anger can last for hours. In addition, they are very possessive and as soon as they look at something, they think it is theirs and they will not let anyone else touch it.

In addition, all cats are very independent, they react very badly to change and do not depend on the company of their kind, so living with humans is relative.


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Cats have overwhelming intelligence, their brain collects information, assimilates it and uses it to learn. Although feral cats are not very intelligent, cats that grow up with people have been shown to develop their intelligence more.

Cats learn through imitation, observation, and experiences, and combine what they learn with instinct to survive. Their memory is highly developed, so they can remember events that have happened to them and act accordingly.

They can also detect, through smell and behavior, people who are not going to treat them well and will avoid them. In the same way they differentiate acquaintances from strangers and will defend their territory from the latter.

Cats can communicate with people through their meow, the position of their tail, their faces, their ears … They are very susceptible to changes and can even stop eating if they suddenly perceive that everything that is familiar to them disappears.

Their great curiosity always gets them into trouble, but also their intelligence allows them to get out of it alone. However, it must be borne in mind that intelligence does not mean that they are obedient or that they can be trained.

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