Three Puppies Have Survived In The Buried Hotel In Italy

Three puppies have survived in the hotel buried in Italy

The news of the avalanche that took place in Italy has reached the press. Rescue teams have searched for the missing among the ruins of the Rigopiano hotel, buried by an avalanche in central Italy. There they found three surviving cubs. We know its history.

The news has been given by local media. They are three mastiff pups that have been located by the carabineros (militarized police) in the boiler room of the hotel establishment. Eleven people have been saved in this hotel, while another nine have already been found dead and 21 are still missing.

To save the small dogs that have survived, the specialists have demolished the wall that covered them. The dogs are in top condition and will be cared for by veterinarians. The little ones are the children of Nuvola and Lupo, the two mastiffs owned by the hotel manager.

An ongoing investigation into the puppies that have survived

The prosecutor in charge of the file, Cristina Tedeschini, has informed the press that an investigation has been opened that covers all aspects of the event, including the construction of the hotel.

The hotel was located at 1,300 meters of altitude. The reasons why it was completely blocked by the heavy snowfall that fell last week in the area are not known.

The discovery of the surviving cubs has been celebrated, as confirmation that there could still be life among the ruins of the hotel buried five days after the event.

The moment of the rescue of the puppies

A member of the emergency team recounted the moment of the rescue, saying that the little dogs only barked softly. In his words: “It was difficult to find them because they were hidden . Then we heard that little bark and we saw them from a little hole that the fire department had made in the wall. Then we enlarge the hole and remove them ”.

Dogs that have survived many situations

Stray dogs abound in all countries . Generally due to the irresponsibility of its former owners. It is also true that more and more people and groups are organizing to help combat this problem.

In our day to day we come across very unpleasant stories of dogs. The most frequent case is that of abandonment.

To get closer to dogs that have been abandoned, these tips will help

  • A collar with a leash, a blanket and very attractive food for them will be of great help for our first contact with the animal.
    • The first step will be to leave the food at a safe distance from the dog and move away.
    • We will sit close to the dog, but without making him feel overwhelmed or frightened by our presence.
    • With a lot of patience we will bring the food closer and closer, until the dog completely trusts us.
    • Earning their trust is very important. For sure, a stray dog ​​is not used to affection or caresses. On the contrary, he is always waiting for abuse, because that is the experience he has had. Therefore, we will wait patiently for it to allow gentle physical contact.
    • When we can place the necklace, it will have already been a very important step. We will continue caressing and feeding.
    • As soon as we can, we will load it into a vehicle and transfer it home or to your chosen location. If your skin is very mistreated with some type of infection or disease, we will cover it with the blanket so as not to damage it.
      • Once at home it is important to initially feed him with homemade food. Stray dogs’ diet is usually leftovers and a sudden switch to concentrate (feed) can cause indigestion.
      • When you get home and have eaten, we will see to it that you have a warm bed.
      • It is essential to take him to the vet the next day so that he has a good deworming and begins his vaccination schedule. Lack of money for veterinary care is no excuse for skipping this step. There is always the option of requesting the collaboration of the city’s animal protection organizations, making publications with photos on social networks for people who love animals to help, etc.
      • If we are not going to stay with him, it is best to contact an animal protection organization to advise us in the process of finding a responsible home for him ; Another good idea is to take photos and post them on social networks.

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