Tips For Finding A Lost Pet

New technologies contribute to the reunion with our animal, and it is more than usual that there is the case of a lost pet
Tips for finding a lost pet

Whether it is due to human carelessness or because it is a restless animal, there are not few cases in which we see posters with a lost pet. Reacting in the first few hours can be crucial to finding it.

The disappearance of pets is, unfortunately, a fairly frequent occurrence and even more so at certain times of the year such as summer. This reality does not exclude species, and it is that it can affect both dogs and cats and birds. However, the degree of success in their search is, respectively, decreasing.

Below are a series of tips that can favor the reunion with our pet:

  • After detecting the absence of our animal we must get going. These first moments are key, since short time frames imply less distance. Therefore, before venturing to visit foreign areas, we must check the vicinity of our home. Streets, garages and gardens, private or public, adjacent to our home, are spaces highly frequented by a lost pet.
  • Alert neighbors and passersby to make sure, as they may have sighted our animal. This protocol should be complemented with the distribution of informative posters, normally placed on street lamps or walls, both in areas close to and distant from our neighborhood. A clear photo and description with accurate physical data are essential.
  • In the case of dogs, visit those areas that used to be visited more frequently. Normally, disoriented animals tend to look for familiar areas to shelter, so it is advisable to carry out periodic raids in these places.

Abandoned dog

  • Notify and visit municipal kennels. Despite the fact that these organisms usually have a large number of species and, generally, they do not carry out an active search, many people do contact them when they encounter a possible abandonment or animal loss.
  • Notify the absence of our pet to veterinarians. These experts can communicate the loss to other owners who may notice our animal during their routine walks.
  • Take advantage of the possibilities offered by new technologies. In addition to having web pages dedicated exclusively to collecting advertisements for lost animals, social networks such as Facebook and Instagram are very useful for allowing greater dissemination. The success of the latter is such that the State Security Forces themselves use them with missing persons.

In most cases, animal disappearances are due to human oversights. Therefore, a series of previous recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Mandatory use of the microchip. Although it may seem obvious in the case of dogs, some autonomous communities require the use of the microchip also in cats. The reason is that most of these cats spend many hours outside the family home, which increases the risk of loss. In addition, their identification will help distinguish them from other stray cats.
  • Get necklaces that are embroidered or include badges with the owner’s data. The most advisable thing, despite the fact that they may be uncomfortable, is that our pets carry them permanently to be always identified.

dog runs away from home: escape

  • Make sure to close doors, gardens, windows and, ultimately, all contact with the outside. This measure is key whether the owner is at home or not.
  • Whenever it is noticed that the absence of our pet is longer than normal, check that it is still with us to avoid possible scares.

While tips to avoid future disappearances or to increase search success once they occur are essential, the most important thing is to stay calm. Never give up, because there is always the possibility of a hopeful call that allows the reunion with our lost pet.

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