Weaning In Kittens, How To Proceed?

The weaning of the litter is a gradual and perfectly natural process, which occurs throughout the first 10 weeks of life. In general, mothers do not need help with weaning. However, do you know what to do when you are in charge of orphaned kittens?
Weaning in kittens, how to proceed?

Whenever possible, kittens should be exposed to breast milk, especially during the first 12 to 24 hours of life. The first milk, or colostrum, contains antibodies that the kitten can only absorb during this period.

Weaning is the process of transition from breast milk to solid food. In this process, which occurs in all mammals, kittens progressively detach from the mother’s care and advance in their independence.

Ideally, weaning is managed entirely by the mother cat. Some mothers cannot produce milk due to mastitis or other problems. In this case, another nursing cat can accept the kittens, if they are of her own litter age.

However, when there is no surrogate mother, we must intervene. We give you some tips for the progressive and successful weaning of the kitten:

At what age should kittens be weaned?

The weaning process normally begins when kittens are about four weeks old. Generally, the process ends between 8 and 10 weeks of age.

If you are weaning an orphan kitten, remember not to try to wean it too early. You can start in three to four weeks. Normally, when they start biting and chewing the bottle, they are ready to begin weaning.

Kitten drinking from bottle

As a general rule, when the kitten has its eyes open and is able to concentrate, it is already stable. At this point, the introduction of solid foods can safely begin.

Weaning a cat generally takes four to six weeks. Most kittens are fully weaned by 10 weeks of age.

How to start the weaning process?

Remember that the sudden withdrawal of the mother can have a negative effect on the health of the kittens. In addition, it will also have a negative effect on their socialization. Kittens learn to eat, use a litter box, and play by seeing their mother.

Whenever possible, kittens should stay with their mothers during the weaning process. Naturally, mothers will know what to do.

When the kittens reach the age of four weeks, you can place them in a separate area for a few hours. In this way, you will reduce their dependence on breast milk and its presence in general.

Put them in their own space with bowls of water and food. As kittens become more independent, they can spend more time away from their mothers. In this way, the process is progressive.

How to wean a kitten from breast milk or bottle?

Serve the kitten’s milk replacer in a shallow bowl. Remember that you should never use cow’s milk, as it can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea in some kittens.

Cat drinking milk

Dip your finger or the vial the kitten is used to in the liquid. Then let the kitten lick it or you can wet the kitten’s mouth with your finger.

Then guide it by moving your finger slowly to the container. The idea of ​​this is that once they recognize the flavor, they will look for it elsewhere.

Please never push your cat’s nose into the bowl. You can breathe in fluids and develop pneumonia or other lung problems.

Once the cat gets used to liquids, you can make a porridge ; the transition from liquids to solids should be gradual. Many times you will have to continue bottle feeding while the kitten is learning to eat from the bowl.

How to introduce solid food to a kitten?

Prepare a porridge by mixing a cat food with the milk replacer for kittens. Cat food can be dry or wet, but the porridge should be the consistency of a bowl of oatmeal.

Solid baby cat feeding

As the kitten gets used to eating, very gradually decrease the amount of milk in the mix. At the same time, slowly increase the amount of kitten food. After six to seven weeks, you should eat only slightly moistened food.

Now you can start leaving small amounts of dry food and fresh water at all times. After 8-10 weeks, kittens should be used to eating kitten food without moistening.

How to facilitate the weaning process?

Kittens are playful and curious by nature. Kittens can play with the porridge by tapping it and entering the bowl before understanding that it is food.

Be patient and don’t rush the weaning process, because they will end up doing it. In the meantime, use a soft, damp cloth to remove any prep from the animal’s face and paws after each meal. Gently pat dry with a towel. Keep the kitten in a warm, draft-free place until completely dry.

When weaning a kitten, it is important to use a food specially designed for kittens. These formulas contain higher levels of calories, protein, and calcium, which growing kittens need. If you are also caring for the mother, it is normal for the mother to eat the same kitten food while nursing.

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