What Do I Do If I Find An Abandoned House Cat?

What do I do if I find an abandoned house cat?

If you find an abandoned or lost house cat on public roads, what to do? Well, first and foremost, do not remain indifferent and try to find a solution. Your intervention, in some cases, can make the difference between the life and death of the animal.

Steps to take if you find an abandoned or lost house cat

cat on the street

The first thing you should find out, then, is if it is indeed a homemade pussycat. This is not to say that you shouldn’t worry about felines that have gone wild. We refer to animals that learned to survive on the streets. Or to those who, directly, were born in them and walk alone or in colonies.

The issue is that an abandoned or lost house cat usually does not have enough tools to defend itself in an environment that can be hostile. For instance:

  • Areas heavily trafficked by vehicles.
  • Presence of aggressive dogs or people.
  • Difficulty getting food.

In this sense, the animal, if it is not very scared, will surely seek your contact or, at least, will not shy away from it. In any case, it is important that you earn their trust. When you do, try to see if it has an identification necklace so that you can contact its owners.

How to find out if the cat you found has an owner who is looking for it?

If the kitten lacks visible identification, ask neighbors or passersby if they know if the kitten has an owner. Also check around the area if there are no posters attached with his photo. Or, if you have internet access from your mobile phone, check if there are no search ads on web pages or on social networks.

Even if your research does not give positive results, the ideal is that you wait a while, to see if the owner finally appears or someone else in the neighborhood can inform you of something about the feline. It is also good that you observe if it is not a female with kittens, because that may have been the reason for the abandonment. Or, if it is a very small kitten, make sure the mother is not looking for it.

After a reasonable time without news, and surely with the cat already more friendly with you, you can choose to try to take it to a veterinarian to find out if it has a microchip. If the animal is not identified in this way, or if it is, or its owners do not respond, it is time to make a decision.

In search of a temporary home for the feline

Since you have reached this point, it is recommended that, if you have a place in your house, you take the cat with you, even temporarily. And, since you’re in the right place, ask your vet for a check-up. If deemed necessary, let him vaccinate or deworm him.

Although there is the option of leaving the animal in a shelter, the truth is that they are usually saturated. Therefore, if you cannot or do not want to stay with the pussycat, even for a while, try to place it with people you trust.

Meanwhile, it is time to start a campaign to continue locating its owners who, perhaps, have not abandoned you and are looking for you.

Campaigns to find an old or new owner for the pussycat

adopt a street cat

What can you do to try to find the owners of the kitten? For example :

  • Take a good photo of it and make posters informing where and when you found it.
  • Distribute and post the posters on the street, businesses and protectors.
  • Spread information about the kitten on social media or on local radios, television channels, or newspapers and magazines.

Losing hope of finding the owners, you have to decide what to do with the animal. If you, or the person who is taking care of him, cannot adopt him permanently, it is time to start another campaign, this time to find a new home for the pussycat. You already know how.

Do you think you got into a big mess? Sure. But worse is the indifference.

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